What is commemorated on Good Friday? This is what Holy Week means Answers

The Passion of the Christ is commemorated every year between March and April (dates vary), the events that took place from Jesus of Nazareth's so-called Last Supper with his apostles to his crucifixion and death. He Holy Friday It is one of the 7 days that make up the traditional celebration Easter In most parts of the world, it recalls one of the most representative and reflective episodes of Christianity. Find out what the event before Easter Sunday is, what day it will fall on in 2023, and why it is so important to the Catholic Church.

Holy Week: What is commemorated every Good Friday?

The sixth Sunday of Lent begins the annual commemoration of the most important week for the Catholic Church, Christian groups and its faithful devotees. During Holy Week, the celebration of Easter Tritium, so called Good Friday is celebrated to commemorate the death of Jesus.

As per the information shared The particular day was formerly celebrated as a day of mourning in which people abstained from eating and drinking, but later it would end. A very traditional festival celebration every Friday during Holy Week.

The liturgy of Good Friday is made up of 3 primary moments: the Adoration of the Word, the Adoration of the Cross and Communion.In each of these rites, which constitute a set of established practices to perform ritual acts, the faithful are prompted and called to fix their gaze on Christ who died on the cross to fulfill the Father's mission of salvation. He was trusted.

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It should be noted that Only 2 sacraments are celebrated on Good Friday and the day after: penance and anointing of the sickAnd as the central day, the Catholic Church celebrates this special date of Holy Week by celebrating At the beginning of the liturgy, the lights are extinguished and silence is customary for the Passion of the Lord.

The crucifixion of Jesus of Nazareth is commemorated one day after Holy Thursday (the washing of Jesus Christ's feet and the Last Supper with the apostles) and the day before Easter Sunday (the resurrection of Jesus Christ on the third day). After the crucifixion), the Catholic faithful were required and customarily fasted and abstained from protein-rich food as a sign of penance.

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What day is commemorated on Good Friday and what are the customs?

The fifth day of Holy Week varies annually in date due to the lunar calendar and the establishment of the Jewish Passover, which is marked on the first Sunday of the full moon after the vernal equinox in the Northern Hemisphere and the autumnal equinox in the Southern Hemisphere. .

For this year 2024, Good Friday will fall on March 29, and on that day most families around the world will not eat meat as part of the religious custom associated with Jesus' body, which was sacrificed on the cross and crucified to save us from sin. humanity and give him eternal life.

Likewise, as part of the customs linked to this important day of Holy Week, the images of Jesus in churches are covered with purple cloth, and on Easter Sunday, the Virgin Mary is revealed in black, the Via Cruci is prayed, and the last 7 words spoken by Christ on the cross are meditated upon:

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1- “Father, forgive them for they know not what they do”

2- “Today I promise you will be with me in heaven”

3- “Woman, there you have your son! Here is your mother!”

4- “My God, my God! Why have you forsaken me?”

5- “I'm thirsty”

6- “All Done”

7- “Father, into your hands I commit my spirit”

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