When does winter 2024 start in Peru? Exact day and time, Senamhi | Answers

When does winter 2024 start in Peru?  Exact day and time, Senamhi |  Answers

Just as there is a community of people who love summer because the weather is conducive to going to beaches or swimming pools and enjoying the sun, there is a community of people who love it. WinterThey take advantage of its cool weather to stay warm and walk without worrying about breaking a sweat.

Although summer has recently ended, giving way to autumn on March 19, many Peruvians are already wondering when winter will arrive. Based on this suspicion, we tell you that the National Meteorological and Hydrological Service of Peru (Cenamhi) has provided important information about the beginning of the coldest season of the year in Peru. Find out below what the organization attached to the Ministry of Environment had to say on the matter.

What day and time does winter 2024 start in Peru?

According to information provided by Chenamhi, Winter in Peru begins on June 20 at 3:51 PM.. This date marks the beginning of the cold season of the year, which is characterized by low temperatures and typical winter weather conditions.

A distinctive feature of this season is the highly humid climate throughout the country, with the prevalence of morning showers, fog and cold winds.

Winter in Peru brings specific climatic conditions and is a favorable time to enjoy the beauty of landscapes, cultural festivals and traditions of this season.

Will 2024 be the coldest winter ever?

Patricia Rivera, a climate forecaster at Chenamhi, denied rumors of record low temperatures this winter. In February this year, the expert explained that the company's weather forecasts only last up to three months, so there is no way to know what will happen in the more distant period.

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Likewise, Chenamhi explained that climate forecasts are complex and subject to change, which is why he called on citizens to follow their official updates and not be prone to speculation.

What is winter?

Winter is one of the four seasons of the year, characterized by cold temperatures, short days, and the presence of climatic phenomena such as snow, frost, and rain. In the Northern Hemisphere, winter usually covers the months of December, January and February, while in the Southern Hemisphere it occurs between June, July and August.

In winter, the Earth's tilt hits the Sun's rays more obliquely, reducing the amount of solar energy reaching the Earth's surface and resulting in lower temperatures. In many regions, especially at high latitudes, winter is associated with snowy landscapes and adverse weather conditions such as blizzards and frost.

Winter also affects nature and animal life. Many plant species enter a dormant or active state, and animals adapt to lower temperatures by seeking shelter or migrating to warmer areas. In addition, winter can have effects on agriculture and human activities, such as heating and the use of warm clothing.

Despite the challenging conditions it can bring, winter is appreciated by many, especially those living in the northern hemisphere of the planet, for the beauty of snowy landscapes, the season's recreational activities such as skiing and snowboarding, and celebrating holidays such as Christmas and New Year.

What is Senahmi?

The Meteorological and Hydrological National Service of Peru, known by its acronym SENAMHI, is a public agency specialized in the study and monitoring of atmospheric and climatic phenomena and the analysis of the country's water resources. Its main objective is to provide timely and accurate information on climate, weather and water with the aim of contributing to sustainable development and protection of citizens in Peru.

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On December 23, 1969, Decree Law No. SENAMHI was created by 17093 and since then it has played a fundamental role in generating climate and meteorological information for various activities like agriculture, industry, transport and water resources planning in the country. .

The system is under the jurisdiction of Peru's Ministry of the Environment and consists of a network of meteorological and hydrological monitoring stations distributed throughout the national territory. Called “SINAMHI stations”, these stations collect real-time data on temperature, precipitation, humidity, wind speed and direction, among other atmospheric and hydrological parameters.


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