Which regions will be in total darkness during the 2024 total solar eclipse on April 8? | Answers

Next Monday, starting at noon on April 8, the biggest astronomical event of the year will occur: the Eclipse Solar Total. The phenomenon promises to amaze scientists and millions of curious people who will have the opportunity to see it directly in full form (with the Sun completely covered by the Moon) or partially (with part of the star covered). lunar disk).

A total solar eclipse occurs when the moon crosses the path of sunlight and casts a shadow on Earth. According to NASA statistics, it can only be seen from the same location on Earth for a few minutes, approximately every 375 years. It is also noteworthy that according to reports, it appears somewhere on the planet approximately once in a year and a half. National Geographic.

For this particular event, it is important to note that there will be moments of darkness during the day, but only at certain points on Earth. With that in mind, we'll tell you where in the world you can see a total solar eclipse, and share some tips for observing it carefully.

Which regions will be plunged into darkness by a total solar eclipse?

This time, it will delight North American sky watchers as it passes through Mexico, USA and Canada. “The lunar shadow that falls on our planet can travel thousands of kilometers across the continent in a southwest-northeast direction. “Everyone located in this region can enjoy one of nature's most beautiful scenes.”Astronomer Diego Bacchus commented Infobay.

Since a total eclipse won't happen again in the United States in less than 20 years, exactly 2044, experts recommend making plans for this date and not missing this astral event. The last “Great American Eclipse” occurred in 2017.

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What will be the path of total solar eclipse in 2024?

This astronomical event will start in Mexico and travel through the following cities: Aguascalientes, Baja California, Chiapas, Chihuahua, Mexico City, Colima, Durango, Guanajuato, Guerrero, Hidalgo, Jalisco, Mexico, Michoacán, Morelos, Nyack Leonrid, Puebla, Queretaro, Quintana Roo, San Luis Potosi, Sinaloa, Sonora, Tabasco, Tamaulipas, Tlaxcala, Veracruz, Yucatan, Zacatecas.

Subsequently, the eclipse will enter the United States through Texas, then Oklahoma, Arkansas, Missouri, Illinois, Kentucky, Indiana, Ohio, Pennsylvania, New York, Vermont, New Hampshire and Maine. On the Canadian side, the eclipse will enter southern Ontario and continue through Quebec, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island and Nova Scotia.

Tips for enjoying a solar eclipse without damage

If you are one of the lucky ones to observe this astronomical phenomenon, we offer you the following recommendations:

  • Do not look at the sun directly or indirectly, whether there is an eclipse or not; This light can cause blindness.
  • It is important to appreciate it with the supervision of an adult who knows about the subject; This is best done in an astronomical laboratory with trained experts.
  • Special lenses with a filter capable of blocking the sun's harmful rays should be used; These bear the ISO 12312-2 label. In addition to reducing glare, they should also be able to block UV and infrared solar radiation.
  • Before using any special lens, it is important to inspect it to make sure it is in good condition without damage, scratches or any other holes; It should not exceed three years.
  • A grade 12 or higher welder's goggle may be used; Anything less than this is not safe to watch these types of shows.
  • The sun cannot be viewed through a camera, phone, binocular, telescope or optical device without a certified solar filter.
  • A partial eclipse cannot be viewed using homemade filters, sunglasses, or X-ray plates, as they can damage vision.
  • Children must be supervised during the event and with adequate security.
  • The safest way to watch the eclipse is through a live broadcast on TV or the Internet.
  • Thanks to a homemade projector using a tube or shoe box, aluminum and white paper.
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How to watch a total solar eclipse from Peru?

NASA said it will broadcast all events of the total solar eclipse predicted for Monday, April 8, on YouTube, highlighting the reasons why this astronomical event occurs approximately every 18 months. Starting at 1:30 pm (Peruvian time), people living throughout South America will be able to follow minute-by-minute the path “beginning in the south of the Pacific Ocean” that progresses through Mexico, and then enters the United States and Canada.

How long does a solar eclipse last?

The duration of a solar eclipse can vary, but generally, it is a total solar eclipse, from beginning to end. However, totality, i.e. the period when the Moon completely covers the Sun, lasts about 10 minutes at a particular location. In contrast, a partial solar eclipse, in which only part of the Sun is covered by the Moon, lasts for several hours as the Moon slowly moves in front of the Sun's disk.

It is important to note that the exact duration of a solar eclipse depends on many factors such as the relative position of the Earth, Moon and Sun at that particular time.

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