Why is Santa Rosa de Lima also known as the “Patron of the PNP”? | Answers

Every August 30, police officers across Peru honor Santa Rosa de Lima, the institution’s security figure and guardian angel in these times of crime and health crisis. Isabel Flores de Oliva was born in Lima in 1586, and from an early age she was an example for all believers because she dedicated her life to following the commandments of God, for which she was canonized by Pope Clement on April 12, 1671. X.

Why is Santa Rosa de Lima the Patron Saint of the PNP?

Santa Rosa de Lima The host is considered a saint National Police of Peru From official September 18, 1989By Supreme Decree 27-89, Published in Official Gazette El Peruano. That is the reason why they justified this proposal Santa Rosa de Lima Is he “The symbol and reflection of the moral conduct to which its troops aspire”due to Great virtues Saint said.

The picture Santa Rosa de Lima was awarded the Order of Merit of the PNP and the Band of Honor as General of the National Police. As solidifies the figure of the saint Patron of the company.

Who was Saint Rose of Lima?

Saint Isabel of Lima was called Flores de Oliva and was born on April 20, 1586 in the capital of the Viceroyalty of Peru. His life was devoted to prayer and helping the poor and sick. Although she entered the Third Order of Santo Domingo, there was no nunnery in that order in Lima at the time, so the young Isabel used her home garden as a place of retreat and contemplation.

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Rosa was known for her ascetic life. He did not like her physical appearance because she was attracted to the appearance of the youth and was ready to marry such a beautiful woman. This is why she cut her long hair and veiled her face. His mission was to devote himself to God and he had to avoid temptations.

The young woman fasts for long periods without drinking water, sleeps on tables, and lashes her body. “Lord, increase my sufferings, but increase your love equally,” he would say, according to the book about his life.

His sanctity was recognized by the people of Lima while he was alive, and his penance was commented upon throughout the city. Thus, he was considered a saint before Pope Clement X canonized him in 1671, making him the first American saint. The same pontiff declared her the principal patroness of the New World (America), the Philippines, and the West Indies.

His career ended when he was 31 years old. It is recorded that thousands of people attended her funeral to bid her farewell, which continues to this day and is reflected in the long lines her devotees form anxiously to leave her before August 30. A letter. These missives are thrown into the well-known wishing well located in the sanctuary that bears his name.

The sanctuary has a church and convent built in the 17th and 18th centuries, next to the house where Isabel Flores de Oliva lived, in the first block of Dagna Avenue in the center of Lima.

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