Withdrawal from AFP 2024 to 4 UIT: This is the date when the Economic Commission will discuss the new formula | economy

Withdrawal from AFP 2024 to 4 UIT: This is the date when the Economic Commission will discuss the new formula |  economy

This Wednesday The Congressional Economic Commission did not discuss it Projection of the Modernization Act of the Peruvian Pension System; One initiative proposes a reform of the pension system and includes a complementary provision for the unemployed to withdraw 4 UIT (S/ 20,600) from their pension fund. AFP.

The president of this commission, César Revilla, explained to El Comercio that the debate on the projection could not be carried out from where the task force met, “due to problems with the power of light and internet connection”. An unusual method..

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“Many Congressmen complained to us: Colleague [Jorge] Montoya, [Carlos] Anderson et al began to reveal that audio was not being heard. “We had to stop the session”Revilla of Fuerz Popular Bench told this newspaper.

Revilla assured that the pension reform will be discussed in the next session officially held by the Economic Commission, based on the expectations of the discussion on the formula that allows for the withdrawal of 4 UITs from the AFPs.

When will the AFP 2024 retirement debate take place?

Since Congress has a representative week from Monday, March 18 to Friday, March 22, Revilla noted that he would avoid meeting on those dates. “Same problem when we are in regions, connection fails”. Thus, The next session of the Economic Commission will be held on Wednesday, March 27A day before Easter.

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But since a plenary session has been called for this date, Revilla indicated to El Comercio that the board of directors will be asked to advance the next session of the Economic Commission to next Monday, March 25.

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“We are going to take the appropriate precautions so that nothing disturbs us and we discuss the proposal. This plan is for all Peruvians, not just the 25% with AFP”Considered as a Member of Parliament.

Revilla reiterated that while the program seeks to provide economic assistance to Peruvians who currently have AFP funds, the initiative is aimed at an informal EAP that “must have security for the future.”

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“After reading and understanding the entire formula, my fellow Congressmen will know that [el retiro de] AFP is just one point. And I don't have any problem, we don't take care of any AFP's wallet, and those who know the economy know that some AFP directly connected with banks will facilitate their withdrawal because they are only going to exchange products. . In analytics we have worked for the people.”The Congressman pointed out.

“The door [al retiro de las AFP] It is not closed. At this time the Commission has, above all, seen an improvement in our financial flow and that our country can support the withdrawal of the AFP. But this must go hand in hand with reform. Today's withdrawal is only a relief.”Revilla pointed out.

How do I know which AFP I belong to?

If there is any procedure related to withdrawal or AFP, you should know which pension fund you have joined. So, in our note, we tell you how to know it according to SBS instructions.

To query which AFP you belong to, you need to follow the following steps as confirmed on some sites:

  • Go to “Register” option .
  • Read the terms of use. If you accept these, declare it and click “Next”.
  • It will ask for your ID number and email. In order to successfully complete your registration, we recommend that you have your identification document handy.
  • After registration, choose the option “Pension Status Report” and that's it. This way you will know which AFP you are in.
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If you are a foreigner, click on the relevant option that appears in point 3.

If you are interested in getting your AFP and other data back, you need to know how much money you have accumulated. Let's see how to do it in the following lines.

How do I know how much money is in my AFP?

It should be taken into account that each AFP at national level has a total record of all contributions, which can be viewed on the website or app of AFP Integra, Prima, Habitat and ProFuturo.


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