Women continue to suffer from gender gaps in the world

Women continue to suffer from gender gaps in the world

One of the continuing challenges in the new era of the economy and the world of work is related to the participation of women in this sector, especially in decision-making and leadership positions, where they are still According to experts, there is still an important gap.

That is why, within the framework of the dialogues created by the International Economic Association (IEA), the results of a research focused on women's leadership in the global economy were recently revealed. Confronting continuous gaps and challenges.

Business women


The study, developed over four years and used in six countries, including Colombia, seeks to shed light on inequalities affecting women in the economic sector, particularly highlighting their role as caregivers, a key dimension contributing to inequality.

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Historically, the gender gap has been explained Academically, but according to the IEA study, this panorama has evolved. Female economists are now better prepared academically than their male colleagues in most countries. However, it is worth noting that the gap emerges prominently with the arrival of the first child in the household, a common phenomenon in developing countries.

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María Inés Pernial from the National University of La Plata in Argentina highlights that this persistent disparity requires particular attention because the more children women have, the less likely they are to grow up.

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“In Argentina, married women spend almost 3 times more time than men on household and care work. Even when comparing working women and men, women spend twice as much time in these tasks. If both market and non-market hours worked are included, Overall, women work longer hours than men,” Perniel said.

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The IEA initiative involves experts from various countries, including Ashwini Deshpande of Ashoka University in India, Rahul Fernandes of New York University and Dani Rodrigues, president of the International Economic Association.

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The study is based on quantitative evidence collected Six countries: India, South Africa, Ghana, Argentina, Mexico and Colombia, partially including Senegal. Maria Inez stresses the importance of perennial economists and the need to work together to eliminate these persistent gaps.

Economic development

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Important questions were also asked about barriers at different stages of women's careers, the supports needed to overcome these barriers, and formal and informal barriers to women in the economy, especially in leadership roles in the education sector. .

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One of the data that has attracted the most attention is that after the birth of the first child, women's earnings drop by an average of 35% and their chances of entering the labor market are reduced by 25%.They are at a disadvantage compared to men

Economic development


With this in mind, Ashwini Deshpande highlights the difficulty women face in working on teams with senior academics, a key factor for progress in the academic sector and warns that there are fewer women in leadership roles and a lack of diversity on interview panels. Additional barriers identified in the study.

Bullying and barriers to career choice in economics They underscore the need to promote inclusion and diversity from the earliest stages of academic training,” said this expert.

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Women leaders

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Finally, Raquel Fernandez of New York University says one of the fundamental aims of this research is to define broader perspectives, including women's voices in public discourse.

Fernandez said studies of this nature seek not only to document disparities, but also to advocate for significant change in culture and practices. Women's leadership in the global economy should be limited.


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