Women in Tech Dating: Free Event Seeks to Inspire Technology in Women | Capify Classes | Women in STEM | Technical Dating | Beginnings | Cheque

Women in Tech Dating: Free Event Seeks to Inspire Technology in Women |  Capify Classes |  Women in STEM |  Technical Dating |  Beginnings |  Cheque

The 100% free event starts this October 24th to November 7th. It will feature master classes, 1-on-1 online mentoring and a panel of experts to discuss the future of women in technology.

From October 24 to November 7, the second edition of Women in Tech Dating will take place, a free event aimed at all interested women. Technology. The initiative will include masterclasses, online mentoring and a panel of experts discussing the future of women in technology. The activity is carried out virtually and in collaboration with women startup leaders and labs.

This initiative aims to reduce the gender gap in STEM positions, which is why the following activities can be accessed:

  • A week of personal mentoring with experts in the field.
  • Free master classes in areas likeProduct Management“,”Data driven engineering“e”Artificial intelligence”.
  • A Conference”Women and Technology 2030: Women’s Role in the Future of Technology” with a panel of experts who are industry leaders and startup founders.
Calendario del Tech Dating.

The collaboration of women startup leaders and laboratoria is crucial to take the initiative to the next level. We firmly believe that diversity is true innovation.“announces Irene Rezio, Global Head of PR at Cabify.

According to a study by PageGroup Perú, which indicates that the demand for technical positions has grown by 60% after the pandemic, the lack of training and promotion in this sector prevents the supply of female profiles from increasing at the same rate. Although the United Nations projects that 75% of jobs will be linked to STEM by 2050, currently only 27% of women are in ICT professions and 28% in engineering. Also, in Peru, the National Register of Science, Technology and Technological Inventions (Renacyt) indicates that there are only three women for every ten men in research roles.

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was given

  • You must register to participate in the second edition of Women Tech Dating .

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