Yida Eslava apologizes to Priscilla Mateo after having an affair with Julian Zucchi: “I did a me culpa and I apologize to you”

Yida Eslava apologizes to Priscilla Mateo after having an affair with Julian Zucchi: “I did a me culpa and I apologize to you”
Yiddá Eslava apologizes to Priscila Mateo after having an arrow with Julian Zucchi: “I made a me culpa and apologize to you” | instagram

Yidda Slava and Julian Zucchi After the actor was caught in a romantic kiss with 'Magali TV Law Firm' reporter Priscilla Mateo, they were back on the news covers. And, after this amboy, Eslava was consulted about it, and she hinted in her words that the young woman must have been the cause of their separation.

Although her approach has been criticized by some, some have noted that she has no problem with going public with her ex-partner's infidelity. Amid many arguments, recently Yida Slavic He decided to come forward and apologize publicly Priscilla Mateo.

With a video on his Instagram account, the former member of 'Combat' indicated that he wanted to leave the stage, so he decided to make a mee culpa and go. Priscilla Mateo. Amidst the fight against abuse on social networks, he pointed out that it was the best thing he could do.

Yida Eslava apologizes to Priscilla Mateo. (Instagram)

“I decided not to talk about this matter anymore, but I still have something pending to close this stage and create a culpa, and I take into account that I will first promote the fight against abuse through social networks, especially from women. Woman. It is getting stronger and stronger, which I feel that the right thing to do is to publicly apologize to Priscilla Mateo because this situation happened publicly,” he said at the beginning.

Afterwards, she made it clear that she never blamed him for their breakup and wanted to make it clear this way. “Although it was not my intention to say that she was involved in my relationship, it is not true, I have declared it many times and I have to accept that sometimes I am not understood or I express myself badly, so I am my mistakes or misunderstanding,” he added in his defense.

He also addressed his family, saying it was a heartfelt apology. “Again, Priscilla, I sincerely apologize to you and your family from the bottom of my heart for any comments I may have made, and I am truly sorry that you have been hurt. With this I close this gray but necessary chapter in my life,” he continued in his statement.

Yida Eslava apologizes to Priscilla Mateo. (Instagram)

To conclude his statements, he mentioned that this would be the last time he would talk about this topic and that his audience was not used to this type of situation, so he ended it. “I am not going to announce anything further on this matter. But I want to apologize to my viewers who are not used to seeing me engage in this media circus using this video, I am completely done with this activity,” he said.

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She noted that her family, friends and partner are supporting her during this time. “Sometimes things don't go the way you want, but you have to bite the bullet and move on. “Thank you to my family, my friends and especially my partner who is always there to support me and give me advice,” she said. Yida Slavic.

Yida Eslava apologizes to Priscilla Mateo. (Instagram)

Finally, he sent a message to his children to learn from the lessons life throws at him and urged forgiveness from the person involved. “Finally, I want my kids to know that if they see this video in the future, if someone makes a mistake or says something like that or doesn't mean it, it could hurt or make another person feel bad. Accepting their mistakes makes them less, and vice versa. It's great to hold your head up and apologize. Thanks to everyone for the advice and keep moving forward,” he concluded.


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