Video games are for everyone: EA encourages inclusion with a variety of accessible technologies

Electronic Arts is committed to producing video games A place that is becoming increasingly accessible every day. Because there are many people in the world with physical and cognitive problems, that doesn’t mean they should miss out on the opportunity to enjoy video games. Fortunately, Companies are increasingly working hard in this regard and EA is one of them..

Big bet IRIS is an optical analysis tool developed by the company that allows a thorough analysis of video frames that may have negative effects on players..

Tools for improving accessibility in video games

Beyond IRIS, Electronic Arts has issued a patent Four technologiesIt can be freely used by other developers.

  • Automatic player acquisition – Automatically detects when a player stops interacting with the game and changes the player-controlled character to a computer-controlled character that matches the player’s play style. This technology may not allow people with disabilities (motor, cognitive, visual, etc.) to interact with the game immediately or adequately.
  • Adaptive game tutorial system – This intelligent and adaptive system guides players on how to execute game commands and techniques to suit their skill or play style. This technology can help people with disabilities by providing personalized guidance aimed at reducing specific barriers to gaming.
  • Route Navigation System – This intelligent and adaptive system guides players on how to execute game commands and techniques to suit their skill or play style. This technology can help people with disabilities by providing personalized guidance aimed at reducing specific barriers to gaming.
  • Animated and personalized video game guide – An animated and personalized coaching system that provides in-game and out-of-game information to improve player performance. The trainer’s animation makes it easier for players to integrate and implement the instructions and helps them enjoy the game to the fullest.
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