Bill Gates wants to build this smart city

The land purchased by the Bill Gates-related investment fund for the proposed Belmont development is located west of Phoenix. (Unsplash)

Founder Microsoft, bill GatesInternationally recognized for his active advocacy Consistency and will be behind such efforts Breakthrough Energy Initiatives, an investment fund promoting clean and renewable technologies; Now he has set his sights on an ambitious project to create a mega Smart city in Arizona, USA.

BelmontGates’ most futuristic real estate investment project will be built on a piece of land 24 thousand hectares (more than twice the size of the city of Barcelona) and will integrate all kinds of disruptive technologies in its architecture and operation. Hypersonic Internet for systems Autonomous vehicles.

The city will be completely smart and neutrally designed Carbon footprint. In fact, it doesn’t want to be a luxury project for the rich, but rather seeks to be a deep endeavor. Social impact While the projects indicate schools, hospitals and the creation of a whole ecosystem that allows its citizens to live a normal life. Or at least a version 2.0, as it will be a normal where technology is a part of everything from education to healthcare to transportation.

Bill Gates spent $80 million to build a “smart city” in the desert. (REUTERS/Shannon Stapleton/Pool)

In principle, according to investor Gates, this is everything an eco-friendly metropolis should be. 80 million dollars Its construction is planned to start next year and be ready by 2028. This purely technological city will have a living capacity of around 290 thousand people, not counting the traffic during working hours.

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This is because the Belmont was designed for one Technical meccas In the world and indeed there will be a huge research and development center which will be the engine of studies and developments in new technologies. In addition, it will house laboratories and research centers from companies and universities around the world.

It will be a challenging city to build as it seeks to redefine our perception of urban planning and technology, and some of the advances in infrastructure and functionality that will take place when it becomes operational include:

– The project will in principle have a network Autonomous transport and with Electric vehicles With this you can connect to all points of the city. This network will help reduce pollution and traffic.

– Your electrical system will be that Renewable energy. In fact, Belmont will be a city Carbon neutral Because homes, offices and other institutions that include it use solar, wind and hydroelectric power to generate electricity.

– It will have an adequate surveillance network to protect its citizens. These systems include surveillance cameras, sensors and Face recognition.

Approximate location of Belmont building area. (Google Maps).

The location of this project has created some doubts about this futuristic painting. Arizona It is facing a water crisis that has dragged on for decades and was recently hit by an unprecedented extreme heat wave in the state, which is historically known for high temperatures.

The water supply of this region is largely dependent Colorado RiverIts flow has declined significantly in recent years, mainly due to climate change and the difficulty of accessing this vital fluid, which could affect the viability of Belmont’s sustainable city.

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Additionally, the project has also received criticism for its location far from major urban centers Phoenix Y Tucson, Creators of jobs and economic activity.

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