A Beautiful Surprise: The Funny Story of How Maricarmen Discovered Marin’s Motherhood | maricarmen marin | Sebastian Martins | Peru | Mother’s Day | Michaela | Maternity | Programs | programs

A Beautiful Surprise: The Funny Story of How Maricarmen Discovered Marin’s Motherhood |  maricarmen marin |  Sebastian Martins |  Peru |  Mother’s Day |  Michaela |  Maternity |  Programs |  programs

There are many ways for women to find out what they are going to be MothersA sense that it must be one of the most beautiful in the world maricarmen Marin, when he found out, after planning it with his partner Sebastian Martins. However, according to the artist, the situation is funny because of the way it happened, because he said it only for Perú21.

The Peruvian artist recounted the moment she discovered some of the discomforts of pregnancy coincided with the symptoms of covid during the recording of ‘Yos Soya’.

See: Maricarmen Marin on motherhood: “To bring a child into this world, one must be whole and happy”

“It was fun. I was recording ‘Yo Soya’ and everyone had Covid-19 and till date I haven’t contracted the coronavirus. And one day I felt bad, like I had a cold, and that was the end of the show. Everyone looked at me badly and then said I might have covid, but I don’t think I only had a cold, no cough or anything like that. I stayed to finish recording the show and I was wearing a mask,” said Maricarmen, who was 39 on that date.

“I spoke to my doctor and told him what I felt, my body was half broken and told him I couldn’t continue with the recommendations about trying to get pregnant because I might have covid. So he says to me “Mari, take a covid test, but take a pregnancy test” and I’m like “oh what’s going to happen, you’re crazy.”, adds the metro ambassador.

So, says the Peruvian singer, she arrived at a lab on a Sunday morning to do both tests. The covid test was negative, and the results of the pregnancy test were known only the next afternoon, for which they planned to attend together with their partners. “I was sure there was no way”, commented Maricarmen.

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“The results came out on Monday at four in the afternoon, Sebastian told me to wait for him to come in time and see the results, but at three in the afternoon my doctor called me, but I couldn’t answer him. So I call the lab and there was a code, it didn’t come out positive or negative, it was weird. I answer my doctor and he tells me “You are very pregnant” I am alone with my phone and I send a text message to Sebastian, zero love: I am pregnant. Sebastian was recording, ‘What?’ He sent me such a photo with his eyes wide open”, says the artist.

So the couple discovers that Michaela is on her way, thus fulfilling the dream they both had and crowning their romance. “Micaela is the long-awaited, planned girl. I knew exactly what I wanted for my daughter, what we wanted as a family with Sebastian, and I think that’s why I needed a few years,” said Maricarmen, who will spend her second Mother’s Day with little Micaela.

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