A CSIC center is in a state of unease in security due to the alarm created by its missile doctrine

A CSIC center is in a state of unease in security due to the alarm created by its missile doctrine

Yesterday in the Ministry of Defense they could not hide Discomfort and disbelief The travesty experienced over the weekend regarding the object that flew over the peninsula on Good Friday night. The Air Force has a space surveillance center, Cove, which is responsible for monitoring and tracking any object that may pose a threat. And in this case, No missile, no threat.

Defense Minister, Margaret RoblesA visit to the Space Command at the Torrejon de Artos Air Base in Madrid was enhanced yesterday with a clear objective. Address doubts about the activities of the armed forces. It was explained that Spain is part of the European Union which is responsible for monitoring the thousands of natural and man-made substances that circulate through all places.

With a period of 30 days, A List of potential hazards For surveillance. From eight tonnes is considered high risk and between five and eight tonnes is considered medium risk. The Friday to Saturday night Mediterranean flight isn't even on this list because of its sizeNor does it pose a threat to EarthThey promise.

From Cove, the Space Science Institute belonging to the Higher Scientific Research Council (ICE-CSIC), was later received with astonishment about the possibility that it might be a ballistic missile. Observing the images allowed us to rule out this possibility from the outset.. “A missile has a tail, it doesn't disintegrate or spin like a satellite,” Cove's chairman summarized. Lt. Col. Manuel Olmos.

In addition, there is the Space Alert Protocol, which has up to seven ministries including Science and CSIC. Defense points out that this would have been the way to communicate any incident, such as the entry of an object into the atmosphere or the detection of a missile. However, the Space Command Chief, Isaac Manuel CrespoAttributing error to “one person” specifically, not to the center as a whole.

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Margarita Robles tried on Monday to clarify the armed forces' procedures for detecting and disabling any type of weapons that pose a threat to Spain where appropriate. “We have a defense protocol against ballistic missiles”, assured General Isaac Manuel Crespo, head of the Space Command. The Air Force was contacted yesterday to confirm its actions NATO Air Command Ballistic Missile Warning Monitoring CenterIt “confirmed that there were no launches during that period.”

They don't know why Germany introduced the Starlink satellite re-entry theory, because only one Starlink satellite entered the atmosphere near the east coast of the United States, not even close to Spain.

Shock in CSIC too

“It's not entirely clear to me which organizations or institutions were involved, or whether it was a researcher's opinion in his personal capacity, but it seems clear that this was a hasty communication without rigorous analysis of the data.” José Luis Ortiz, a research scientist at the Astrophysical Institute of the Canary Islands (IAA-CSIC), told ABC.

You can see what looks like a “skimming car” in the pictures. The next day, the team confirmed the event and attributed the glow that lit up the peninsula's sky to space debris or a missile. The data also confirmed that a meteorite (in this case an asteroid fragment) disappeared after interacting with the atmosphere, from which it did not escape. “We know that it disintegrated completely at 75 kilometers, like most meteorites that hit Earth,” Ortiz said.


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