Airlines ask to postpone start of operations at new Jorge Chavez airport: these are the risks they warn | Jorge Chavez Airport | LAP | Airport | Corpac | Landing Strip | Power outage | Airplanes | Latham | Sky Airlines | JetSmart | Power outage | Airplanes | lime

Airlines ask to postpone start of operations at new Jorge Chavez airport: these are the risks they warn |  Jorge Chavez Airport |  LAP |  Airport |  Corpac |  Landing Strip |  Power outage |  Airplanes |  Latham |  Sky Airlines |  JetSmart |  Power outage |  Airplanes |  lime

In a press conference held last Sunday, Chairman, Ministry of Transport (MTC), Raul Perez-Reyes, Although LAP plans to start operations of the new airport on December 18, Maximum start date is January 23, 2025.

We all share the desire that the new airport will be operational before January 23, 2025, and it is proposed that this will happen on December 18 this year. However, to reach that date, a series of issues need to be resolved on the part of state organizations.” declared the minister.

Along these lines, Perez-Reyes referred to it The main issue is about National Immigration MonitorIt should be implemented Passenger control system In the new terminal. The Minister said that Migrations is in the process of purchasing equipment for this organization. But its operation is not guaranteed before December 18.

Migrations say they complete their processes in December. We didn’t know it was December 18. Migrations will be related to the date of activation of the equipment at the new airport”, he explained.

Raúl Pérez-Reyes attended the conference on June 9, along with Donald Castillo, Director of DGAC, and Jose Barrios, President of CORPAC Board of Directors.  Photo: César Bueno.

Raúl Pérez-Reyes attended the conference on June 9, along with Donald Castillo, Director of DGAC, and Jose Barrios, President of CORPAC Board of Directors. Photo: César Bueno.

/ Nucleo-photography > Cesar Bueno

By communicating TradeMigrations said Undertakes the international acquisition process of the Automated Border Control SystemIt includes biometric and security verification processes that will automate part of the immigration control flow for the entry and exit of passengers on international flights.

Similarly, the superior also indicated that steps are being taken to implement the control system before December 18. “In coordination with all actors involved in the implementation of the new terminal, we are working to minimize any situation or risk. Everything should be ready on the established date of the activity“, he said.

Airlines: “December is the worst time to start operations”

In conversation with Trade, Carlos GutierrezGeneral Manager of the Association of International Air Transport Associations (AETAI). 14 airlines -among them, Latham, Sky Airlines Y Jet Smart-, mentioned that these companies They are protesting that the new terminal will become operational on December 18. He pointed out that as per the agreement – ​​the maximum date for the new terminal to be operational is January 30, 2025 and not January 23 as mentioned by the Minister.

Gutierrez said that was responding to a major criticism from the airline union The proximity of the date with Christmas and New Year celebrations, the peak season for flights. “This is a bad time to start operations on a new terminal. This is the date of the greatest movement of people, mainly entire families. “There are seven days until Christmas, which will only add additional pressure to airport operations, which are already difficult for airlines during the holiday season.”Gutierrez says.

The infrastructure of the new airport will cover an area of ​​935 hectares.

The infrastructure of the new airport will cover an area of ​​935 hectares.

Flight and airport staff require a learning curve of various operations in the terminal; LAP wants this to happen during the peak season. If there are new problems due to poor air control management or new failure of runway lighting, The response margin for emergencies is almost non-existent“said the manager of the association, which brings together 90% of the country’s airlines.

Miguel MenaA lawyer who specializes in aviation issues agrees with Gutierrez and thinks there is “An exaggerated desireBy LAP. “This urgency removes the seriousness of the project. Also, with the severity of the recent failures, there is no guarantee that the runway will avoid such problems.He declared.

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Likewise, Gutiérrez assures that airlines will take full responsibility for passenger complaints. So, he insisted They will insist through letters that the new terminal will not become operational on December 18But in January 2025.From 2025 onwards all necessary tests will be allowed“, under control.

If LAP continues and is implemented at the end of the year, we will make it clear that LAP is responsible for any incident.. We cannot take the risk of a unilateral stance because the decision on the date they announced was not coordinated with us in time in the meetings we held.“, he said.

LAP: “We are ready”

Through a letter, LAP reiterated Trade It is ready for operation on December 18. “We at LAP are ready for action on December 18. “The team in charge of the operation and project is fully fulfilling this objective” reported.

Also, the company mentioned that it has not received any request from the government to delay the date. “We have not received any formal communication from the government agencies to postpone or change the said date. They have only raised a series of questions and concerns about what the December 18 unveiling represents, all of which have been addressed.” he declared.

On the other hand, LAP can initiate the call for tests with passengers and help to verify other simulations and perform quantitative runs.

Agreement between Korbach and LAB to install new lighting system on landing strip

In a press conference, Minister Pérez-Reyes explained that the MTC will issue an emergency decree to implement seven measures to restructure the Peruvian Airports and Commercial Aviation Corporation (Corpac). One of them determines Agreement signed between LAP and Córpac to implement a new lighting system in the landing area of ​​Jorge Chavez AirportWhen maintenance of the runway is carried out in 2025.

In this regard, LAP responded that according to the Concession Agreement between the Peruvian State and LAP and the Cooperation Agreement signed between LAP and CORPAC, the operation, maintenance and contingency plans of runway lighting systems and taxiways, other lights, as well as their cables, pipes, conduits, sensors, regulators, etc. . Exclusive responsibility of Córpac.

So they pointed out LAP A comprehensive overhaul of the current runway is planned for next year and is being carried out independently of routine maintenance or renovation. Body To be done in your lighting system. However, LAP proposed to MTC to do both the works in parallel to avoid closing the runway twice..

Along these lines, LAP stands for “Córpac provided its collaboration and specialized technical advice to ensure that existing runway lighting systems were brought up to the standards of the new infrastructure.”.

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