Alejandro Toledo called to testify Monday, May 8 at Pedro Pablo Kuczynski’s trial in the Westfield case | Ministry of Public | Jose Domingo Perez | PKP | Barbadoes Prison | principle

Alejandro Toledo called to testify Monday, May 8 at Pedro Pablo Kuczynski’s trial in the Westfield case |  Ministry of Public |  Jose Domingo Perez |  PKP |  Barbadoes Prison |  principle

Solicitor Jose Domingo Perez He quoted former President Alexander Toledo The former president should be called as a witness in his trial Peter Paul Kuczynski For the Westfield case. The latter was Minister of Economy and Finance and Head of the Cabinet of Ministers during the government of Toledo Manrique (2001-2006).

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According to a document sent by the Ministry of Public Affairs to the National Institute of Prisons (INPE), The procedure will take place on Monday, May 8, at 11 a.m., at Barbadillo Prison, Atel..

That research Kuczynski Goddard is being pursued for money laundering to the detriment of the Peruvian state.. He faces a free trial after the Seventh National Preparatory Investigation Court ordered him to change the extent of his house arrest to come out with restrictions.

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As you remember, in this case In addition to the former president, they include Gloria Kisik Wagner, Gerardo Sepulveda and José Luis Bernola Oflo..

The investigation includes Westfield Capital and First Capital. Both received contracts to provide financial advice to the Brazilian company Odebrecht, on sections II and III of the Southern Interoceanic Highway and the Olmos Transfer project.

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Between 2004 and 2007, The Brazilian construction company paid US$ 64,637 to Westfield Capital for financial advice through concessionaire Trasves Olmos.Between 2006 and 2013, the first capital was US$ 1,132,287 for the same concept.

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Alejandro Toledo was extradited from the United States to Peru on April 23 He was to be prosecuted in the Interseneca case because he was accused of accepting bribes from the construction company to get the tender for the job.

According to the criterion of

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