Attorney General asked to prosecute 3 members of Congress for alleged improper fuel reimbursements.

Attorney General asked to prosecute 3 members of Congress for alleged improper fuel reimbursements.

The State Attorney General’s Office (PGE) The National Prosecutor’s Office on Tuesday requested the initiation of preliminary proceedings against the members of parliament. Raul Doretto (popular act), Javier Padilla (popular renewal) and Silvana Robles (Free Peru).

The reason for the investigations was the irregular reimbursement of fuel expenses on days when there were no official or representative activities.

In that sense, Attorney General Daniel SoriaIt was said by the aforementioned Congressmen to be part of the criminal act of “allegedly committing fraud to the detriment of the State”.

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A report on Sunday last May Final point RIt was revealed that the said legislators would have reimbursed the fuel for personal activities.

In the case Raul DorettoHe will have asked Congress to reimburse him the sum of S/490.72 he spent on his trip to IGA between May 6 and 8, 2022. That date Mother’s Day.

A similar thing happened in three other cases. On November 2 last year, his father’s birthday, he requested reimbursement for trips to Cañete for S/308. Also, on December 25, he claimed S/407 and on February 14, his birthday, he claimed back S/406.

For his part, Javier Padilla He asked the Legislature to withdraw S/209 to buy fuel to travel from Lima to Huacho on May 9, 2022, his son’s birthday.

The congressman indicated that the purpose of the trip was to carry out the “proper activities” of his parliamentary work; However, he could not specify what they were. “I don’t remember,” he replied.

And, Sunday also revealed it Silvana RoblesMinister of Culture of the Government of Pedro Castillo requested the repayment of 276 soles on the feast days such as July 28, 2022.

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However, the receipt she gave to justify the expense was from a pipe in Sanchamayo, Junin region, and despite her presence, since 9:00 a.m. that morning, In the Congress Chamber.

He then claimed refunds of S/ 220 and S/ 200 on his birthday on November 6 and his brother’s birthday on January 13 this year respectively. To do this, he provided evidence of pipes located in the area of ​​Junín.

He also sought reimbursement of expenses incurred on January 1 and 2 for activities related to his Congress work to fully celebrate the New Year. “[Fui a la región por] distribution of toys”, he said when asked about those trips.


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