China builds world's largest underwater neutrino telescope at 3,500 meters underwater

China builds world's largest underwater neutrino telescope at 3,500 meters underwater

The infrastructure, called the Tropical Sea Neutrino Telescope (TRIDENT), will be located in a coastal plain near the equator in the China Sea.

The TRIDENT experiment. Photo:

A group of researchers from China Currently under construction Underwater telescope The world's largest neutrino reactor is located here 3,500 meters underwater In a canyon plain near the equator (the name given to the deepest part of the ocean), the news agency reported this Wednesday. Xinhua.

Baptized with the name “Tropical Ocean Neutrino Telescope (TRIDENT)”With a diameter of 4 kilometers and an area of ​​12 square kilometers, this innovative infrastructure aims to try to reveal the continuing mysteries of the universe, for example, Origin of Cosmic Rays.

The TRIDENT experiment.  Photo: TRIDENT experiment. Photo:

NASA logo.  Photo: Reuters.

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How does TRIDENT work?

Regarding its composition, The trident It consists of 1,200 vertical cables, each 700 meters long and 70 to 110 meters apart. And, you will have NGC 1068's ability to detect neutrinosA star in a constellation CetusAnd each cable carries 20 glass balls, each twice the diameter of a soccer ball.

These subatomic particles are called Neutrinos, are difficult to detect but are abundant in the universe because they can pass through without interacting with matter. To get closer, TRIDENT uses a unique design that allows it to observe the universe “Looking Down”Using the Earth as a shield to catch high-energy neutrinos from the other side of the Earth.

The underwater frame of the TRIDENT experiment suite.  Photo: underwater frame of the TRIDENT experiment suite. Photo:

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Glass balls in cables detect Light signs Emitted by the reaction of neutrinos with seawater. This information will be used for later analysis The nature of neutrinos and the cosmic events that create them.

According to the researchers and scientists responsible for the project, this is expected Construction of TRIDENT Completing in 2030, this will mark the end of the second phase of the project after the initial installation of a small 10-wire detector planned for 2026.

This underwater telescope joins other underwater neutrino detectors on the planet Icecube Neutrino Laboratory In Antarctica Used by America and binoculars Baikal-GVT Russian on the lake of the same name.


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