Coach Juan Carlos Basalar’s ex-wife will be in jail for the ICU bed mafia at the Almenara hospital.

Coach Juan Carlos Basalar’s ex-wife will be in jail for the ICU bed mafia at the Almenara hospital.
Juan Carlos Basalar’s ex-wife will remain in prison

Former volleyball player Ana Cecilia Arostegui GiranoEx-wife of ex-player and technical director Juan Carlos Pasalar, remembered for becoming a Copa Sudamericana champion with the Cienciano del Cusco club, will continue to serve 36 months in detention at Santa Mónica de Chorrillos prison. The prosecutor’s office accuses him of being the leader of a criminal organization that smuggled ICU beds. Hospital Guillermo Almenara In the midst of an epidemic. Investigations revealed that they profited from the desperation of relatives of Covid-19 patients during the second wave.

Through his social networks, The Authorized person Reportedly suspending detention against those accused of organizing a so-called criminal network Black AngelsThis will be supported by the desperation of relatives of patients affected by Covid-19. Game UCI In the above mentioned hospital.

“Judge Rosario Alada of Lima’s First Preparatory Trial Court issued the ruling and denied Arostegui’s request to halt his imprisonment. Flight risk And this Obstruction in action”, described the Justice Department on the X site (formerly Twitter).

At that time, the ex-wife of ex-footballer Juan Carlos Basalar, Cecilia Arostegui, was revealed to have conversations with a mafia that charged 82 thousand soles for an ICU bed.

During the hearing held last Tuesday, October 31, the judge recalled that the ex-wife of the current coach of the recently promoted Ligue 1 Los Sangas club and the other defendants in the case are being preliminarily prosecuted for the alleged crime. Crimes Influence peddling, Bribery in action Common and passive bribery own

Before hearing the verdict, the man under investigation denied being the leader of the criminal organization. “I’m going to be here (in prison) for two and a half years now.” It was very hard and difficult, especially because of the family roots. “My mom is 82 years old and they want to put her in a nursing home, I don’t want to…with one of my children with a mental health problem who has a personality disorder,” he pointed out.

Arostegui Girano has been in detention since August 2021. like him, Pedro Cesar Pino Gonzales Y Neri Magali Ochoa Menacho maintains the same mandatory action against him for being part of a criminal organization.

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The downfall of the criminal network began in the early hours of July 22, 2021, when a joint mega-operation Public Ministry And this Peruvian National Police (PNP) Houses were raided simultaneously in the capital districts of La Molina, San Miguel, Brena, and Magdalena to remove Los Angeles Negroes.

Former volleyball player Ana Cecilia Arostegui Grano, the ex-wife of ex-player Juan Carlos Basal, denies being the head of a criminal network allegedly involved in the second wave of the epidemic. (Motion: Infopay Peru)

In this framework, according to the investigation of the Public Ministry, other names such as Iraida Muñoz Arróspide also appear. Sebastián Basalar is from Arost (son of Cecilia Aróstegui and Juan Carlos Bazalar), Piero Pino Carmona and Vanessa Recuenco Ochoa. The above mentioned are pre-processed and have a restricted appearance order.

The infamous case came to light in mid-2021 when a Peruvian citizen claimed to have paid for an ICU bed. Almenara HospitalBut his family He is infected with corona virus He died unable to reach one of these.

‘Juanca’ was part of the Cienciano club side that won two finals against River Plate and Boca Juniors.

The Peruvian prosecutor’s office determined that Arostegui Grano had reached an agreement with the patient’s relative for the sum of 82 thousand soles, thus providing his son’s bank account number. Sebastian Bazalar Aróstegui, where an advance deposit of 35 thousand feet was made. A few days later, the patient’s relative paid the remaining amount into the same account.

Oscar Ugarte, the then health minister, described the criminal network as ‘disgusting’.

It should be noted that this event created outrage and uproar at the national level, as it was one of the worst moments of the Covid-19 pandemic. The ICU beds In the past 50 years, the demand for medical oxygen has been at an all-time high.

Sebastian Pasalar, the son of the former South American Cup champion, was admitted to the prosecutor’s office headquarters at this time. (trade)

In July 2021, Juan Carlos Basalar’s ex-wife met with three other people involved in the network, an interested collaborator said. Black Angels To ‘consolidate’ the same version in response to a citizen’s complaint, misleading and highlighting criminal liability.

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During the months of the trial, relevant audio extracts were circulated Cecilia Arostegui. Some of these are:

  • “Well, the bed is practically already there, The Insertion And all can be done within hours. But you know how it is. If it doesn’t progress, it won’t be managed if it isn’t paid. Do you know what the situation is?”It is said that there would have been charges for ICU beds in this area.
  • “I’ve lived a long time, with practically all people Lighthouse Because my whole family is treated there and my relatives work there. Arostegui convinced his potential ‘customers’ that he had influence Hospital.
  • “No, it’s there. There’s suction and high flow in that space, and it’s only in the ICUs … we send it. UCI”. The ex-wife appeared apparently confident and empowered to decide who went to court. Almenara Intensive Care Unit.
  • “He has a bed and a device. They can intubate him even in the worst condition. It’s guaranteed to the relatives who paid for the bed. Sick You will get everything you need to improve your health.


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