This is the reason why ‘All Saints’ Day’ is commemorated every November 1st in Peru Answers

This is the reason why ‘All Saints’ Day’ is commemorated every November 1st in Peru  Answers

Many are preparing for the celebrations All Saints Day, a date where millions of families pay their respects at cemeteries and churches to those who are no longer with us. This day is full of various customs, but what is the reason for the particular choice of November 1 to celebrate this anniversary in the country? Let us answer this important question in the following note.

Why is All Saints Day celebrated on November 1 in Peru?

The celebration of All Saints’ Day in Peru has its roots in the initiative of Pope Gregory III during his presidency of the Catholic Church between 731 and 741. This Supreme Pontiff consecrated a chapel in St. Peter’s Basilica in honor of All Saints. Santos, a practice that continued in subsequent years. Established by Pope Gregory IV in 835, the holiday was adopted in Peru and other countries in the region due to its Catholic tradition.

The selection of November 1 as All Saints’ Day is linked to the Catholic Church’s intention to superimpose the Christian holiday on the pagan celebration of “Samhain” or Celtic New Year, now known as Halloween or Hallowe’en. October 31 night. This strategy gradually removed pagan festivals from the calendar and established a Christian commemoration in their place.

What is the religious significance of All Saints’ Day on November 1?

All Saints’ Day, celebrated on November 1, has deep religious significance in the Christian tradition, particularly in the Catholic Church. This holiday pays tribute to all recognized and unrecognized saints, that is, those who have attained holiness and eternal life with God.

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The date seeks to honor those who are in the presence of the divine and those who have lived pious lives. It is a day to remember and venerate saints who have been canonized by the Church and the faithful dead who, according to the Catholic faith, may be in heaven but are not officially canonized.

All Saints’ Day precedes the celebration of Halloween, but the change from October 31 to November 1 marks a significant shift in focus, moving from secular festivals to religious festivity. On this day, believers usually attend special masses, pray for their deceased loved ones, and visit cemeteries to honor and remember the dead.

All Saints’ Day reflects the Christian belief in eternal life and the belief that through the intercession of saints and divine grace, all believers can aspire to holiness and salvation.

November 1st When is All Saints Day in Peru?

Officially and traditionally, the holiday All Saints Day Celebrated on every first day of the eleventh month of the year, it is commemorated 24 hours after “Halloween”, and its origin dates back to the 4th century when martyrs were honored.

This anniversary of 2023 which is already ending November 1 It falls on the Wednesday after Tuesday, October 31, where Peru celebrates Creole Song Day, and marks the first and only holiday before the last 3 that end in December 2023.

Origin and History of All Saints – November 1

He Officially reveals, and through its website, that All Saints Day Decade November 1 It is nothing but a liturgical feast dedicated to “We must remember all the people who overcame weakness and temptations, obeyed the work of the Holy Spirit, and now share the glory of Christ.”.

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Although the origin of this celebration dates back to the 4th century, it only began to spread widely between the 8th and 9th centuries, in Antioch on the Sunday after Pentecost and at Easter, which Saint John Chrysostom had already commented on. A part of Europe.

According to information shared by the Vatican, Pope Gregory III chose November 1 in Rome because it coincided with “With the consecration of a church in St. Peter’s, dedicated to the relics of the holy apostles and all the holy martyrs and confessors.”, and a few years later with Charlemagne himself as Roman Emperor, the Catholic phenomenon would gain more popularity and importance.


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