Confiep proposes 17 measures to improve the economy and investments | economy


The president of Confiep, Alfonso Bustamante Cany, presented to the president of the Council of Ministers, Gustavo Adrianzén, a working document with 17 proposals, whose aim is to reactivate the economy, fight against the insecurity of citizens and close the gaps.

Confiep’s approaches focus on the areas of security, illegal economies, health, the agricultural sector, the labor market, housing, education, infrastructure, cabotage, the investment environment, MSMEs, the pension system, public management, political reform, Petroperú, telecommunications and tourism.

Key propositions

Illicit Economies: Proposed regulation of links in the value chain of illegal mining and the inputs used for this activity, as well as installation of scanners at ports to detect illegal goods.

Health: It is proposed to strengthen the governance of Essalud by empowering its board of directors and management, with the aim of achieving cost effectiveness and providing quality and timely services.

Agriculture: It is proposed to approve a new law for the sector, which will allow the restoration of the promotion of agricultural public policies.

Labor Market: Recommended repeal of former President Castillo’s Outsourcing and Collective Bargaining Rules. Establish a clear and predictable mechanism for assessing the fair amount of the minimum wage, as well as a flexible regime for informal workers to transition to formality.

Infrastructure: Widely use the mechanisms of works for taxes and public-private partnerships, and make full use of them to make them more attractive. Expediting implementation of major infrastructure projects and expediting bidding and execution of projects.

Investment environment: Simplifying business practices, reviewing Integobi’s permit procedures and improving the regional planning proposal. Ensure continuity of management schedules.

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Retirement System: Emphasizing the importance of undertaking a reform and supporting it in personal capital accounts.

Public Administration: Protecting the Civil Service Act and Strengthening its Authority. Address the ineffectiveness of sub-national governments.

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