Continental Episode 2: Mel Gibson and the Greatest Representation of Human Evil | Review | Review | Review | Prime Video | Peacock | Skip – Enter

Continental Episode 2: Mel Gibson and the Greatest Representation of Human Evil |  Review |  Review |  Review |  Prime Video |  Peacock |  Skip – Enter

We said a week before that if objections are raised against someone before or after the premiere Continental, the prequel miniseries to the hit “John Wick” movie franchise, that’s Mel Gibson. The 67-year-old American actor was chosen to represent Cormac O’Connor, the manager of the aforementioned hotel in New York in the dark seventies.

Gibson’s critique has little to do with his artistic past, as he retains his true ‘fame’. In fact, he has been on a downward trend in recent times, not only taking on significant roles that he doesn’t need, but also sometimes being the root cause of the concerned movie (or series) failing at the box office. .

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However, in the first chapter “Continental. From the world of John Wick” offered Gibson’s performance as Cormac. Although a script that prioritizes the presentation of the (many) characters behind this premise is not demanded, the manager of the iconic lodging business certainly convinces. So it’s time to wait for the next chapter.

Second episode last Friday Continental. It is already clear that we are dealing with the story of how Winston (decades ago) usurped Cormac’s position. To this end, those in charge of casting chose Colin Woodall to play the ambitious manager. In turn, the screenwriters decided to surround him with a bloody drama: his brother Frankie/Ben Robson (with whom they are united by the history of rejecting Cormac) attacked the character played by Gibson, and therefore, his head began to cost.

Even though Cormac has knocked Frankie down, he doesn’t get his way. The press used to print the coins used only for El Continental was changed at the last minute. In that sense, the manager is in deep trouble. Here comes the character of Judge (Katie McGrath), who quickly approaches the New York hotel to remind the manager that he has three days to retrieve the precious object, or something bad will happen to it.

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In this order, Continental Creates two parallel paths. First, Cormac rushes to find the object that was stolen from him a few days ago. Second, Winston seeks revenge for his brother’s death. Both tracks, infamously, have Frankie at the center of it all.

Cormac speaks to the judges.

But before talking specifically about Mel Gibson and his Cormac work, a series of micro-stories cannot be ignored. Continental He throws himself up as the minutes go by. Perhaps the first stars Detective Cady (Michelle Prada) and her lover, the towering Mayhew (Jeremy Popp). Once out of a room, she goes faster than him. Here it is time to highlight the role of KD, a kind of righteous (and lonely) spirit who thrives in a city without power. His main objective is to know the true story behind Frankie. She is not ready to give up this goal even though her boss Mehu tries to stop her.

The second scenario follows two smugglers from seventies New York, Miles and Lou, who get a plan to lead a ‘commando’ to take over The Continental overnight. Although they know the mission is suicidal, something deep within them compels them to accept the proposal of Winston, an older man who doesn’t know how to punch but knows how to persuade a complete stranger in front of him. . For example, it occurs when she tries to convince Mazzy (a sort of pre-Bowery king) to go against Cormac.

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If Miles (Hubert Point-Du Jour) and Lou (Jessica Allain) are added to Winston, why not Yen (Nhung Kate)? Frankie’s widow is, in fact, dealing with her own grief, which drives her to pursue two goals. The first is to look for something allegedly linked to your ex-partner. This is where the most unsustainable moment of episode two occurs. As she sifts through dusty drawers, the music picks up an endless version of Harry Nilsson’s “Without You.” After this corny scene, the Asian woman discovers she is being followed.

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His second motive, of course, is to put pressure on Winston, who is implicitly ‘guilty’ of Frankie’s death. The character played by Nhung Kate confirms that she has no objections to the choreography used in the fights in the series so far. She subjugates not only the members of the commando led by Winston, but also herself. The latter – as Colin Woodall has said – should stand out for his ideas, not his fighting techniques.

Cello makes the mistake of opening Charon’s head and it’s precious.

Chosen soundtrack Continental It’s dangerous, and it often takes away from the atmosphere that the John Wick saga gave us. While there are faults, such as those noted when Yen relentlessly searches for something, there are also notable successes, such as Lou confronting multiple enemies and the melodious drama that suddenly takes us back to the old stories of Detective John Shaft. Offa That Thing by James Brown).

Not completely subdued, Winston loses perspective: he needs Yen to ‘take’ the Continental. They are brothers-in-law, but basically, they both share the same goal of teaching Cormac a real lesson. Before we get back to this character, it’s time to talk about the secondary characters. Joining Winston’s ‘command’ is Jenkins (Ray McKinnon), a kind of mercenary vigilante sniper interested in his own revenge on the hotel manager in question, intrigued by Miles’ proposal, and says yes.

The ‘command’ works. Its aim is to get continental.

Before closing the concept centered on Winston and Carmack, it is time to say that we are faced with a mini-series that seeks its own path beyond the legacy of “John Wick” story and its protagonist Keanu Reeves. There is a concern that the plays should be overused to give the story characters with a dual dimension. in”Continental“Everybody seems to have a past. Maybe your stuff is too messy. Composition sometimes falters in trying to say something more. The opposite happens with scenery, and it’s presented to us without flaws.

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In the final part of this note, the commentary will focus on Winston and Cormac. The Mini series picks up on the Continental (“I need all the weapons possible”) and an earlier attempt to find coin pressure. While the first may seem more important, the truth is that the second adds more weight. Mel Gibson plays the nearly deranged manager who, when he learns that Continental’s cello player Sharon (Ayomite Adegun) tried to get him to leave, loses his mind to “expand his horizons” and murders him using only a cane. All within their main office (also breaks hotel rules). From beginning to end, the visuals are shockingly violent. We all knew the fate of the musician was death, but no one anticipated every movement Cormac would execute next.

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At this point, the two minutes that the carnage scene takes are far greater than the calculations and mental rehearsals Winston has done since his brother’s murder. “ContinentaL” is the story of how the latter takes over the power of the hotel, but getting there is not all easy. We only have to wait for the third and final episode to see that.

Continental/ main video

Summary: “The Continental” is a series of events that reveal the violent origins of the iconic killer hotel in the John Wick universe. Set in 1970s New York, Winston Scott recruits a team to counter a vast conspiracy sparked by his brother’s attack on The Continental. The bloody action drama explores the clash of family love, destiny and revenge.

Director: Charlotte Brandstrom, Albert Hughes

list: Colin Utdell, Aomite Adegan, Mel Gibson

Eligibility: 4 out of 5 stars


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