In the Footsteps of Black Holes: A Journey into the Universe by Argentine Einstein Juan Martin Maltasena

In the Footsteps of Black Holes: A Journey into the Universe by Argentine Einstein Juan Martin Maltasena
Maltasena made several and highly original contributions to theoretical physics

That’s a question Juan Martin Maltasena This drives him crazy and of course in the good sense of the word: Understand the mysteries of black holes and the origins of the Big Bang. And the first thing to say is that – from the perspective of other human beings trying to understand “somewhat” small issues on a daily basis – that’s what its purpose really is. Excellent and attractive.

Maltasena is one such The Messi of PhysicsOr also known as: The Einstein Argentina. His surname was the window that created the truly global Big Bang Princeton Institute for Advanced Study. None more so than where he researched and taught. Einstein.

Maltasena lives in Princeton, New Jersey, USA and is mostly devoted to research. Finding him is not entirely easy. Last weekend he participated in the tenth edition of Zoom in Argentina with a speech Make her uglyThe event brought together over 200 speakers from 15 countries.

The Argentinian physicist lives in Princeton, New Jersey, USA and devotes himself to research.

Those who knew him say he was a persistent and eager student Explores the mysteries of the universe through theories and formulas. He has had that anxiety since childhood.

As they say, he was not attracted to the game. Your thesis “String Theory on Curved Spaces” confirmed his genius. After graduation, Maltasena completed a master’s degree at Rutgers University.

His father, Luis Maltasena, was dedicated to the manufacture and repair of elevators in the 1970s. At a young age 12 years old, he was already creating complex structures with Rastis.

“I’m trying to understand the geometries called wormholes that connect relatively distant regions in spacetime,” he says of his new work.

Maltasena was a student of the laws of physics. According to those rules we constantly travel forward in time, and when asked about time travel he does not spare comments; Regrets that there is no reverse process. “Unfortunately you can’t travel in time,” he says Infobay.

But if it is about temporal speed, everything happened very quickly in his life: in 1997 the physicist was already a professor. Harvard. In 2012, he was recognized with an award Yuri Milner For fundamental physics, Maltasena decided to make a major contribution to education at Balseiro by establishing the project.

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In October 2019, he was appointed Dr. Honoris Casa from UBA’s Faculty of Exact and Natural Sciences.

But to understand the world of this contemporary Einstein we have to go back – precisely – to 1997, a break for Maltasena. That same year he introduced the “AdS/CFT conjecture”. This proposal combines quantum field theory with gravity in negative curvature spaces.

This revelation was so shocking that it is now known Maltasena conjecture. All this happened before he turned 30.

Argentinian physicist Juan Martin Maltasena received the Galileo Galilei Medal.

Maltasena made changes to Einstein’s theory, pointing out areas where the theory was inadequate. His contribution is particularly relevant when considering Einstein’s legacy. What he presented was a novel theory that provided a complete overview of the structure and function of the universe.

Maltasena conjecture, known and quoted all over the world, We were able to bring together two fields of study that were previously considered incompatible. By “String Theory”Unified quantum mechanics describes small particles such as atoms, and, along with modern gravitation theory, describes large phenomena such as planets, galaxies, and the universe as a whole.

Attempting to explain his theory in simple terms, Maltasena related and integrated the “theory of relativity,” which describes the operation of larger objects such as stars, galaxies, or the universe. Worlds like electrons or quarks.

At the age of 12, he was already creating complex structures with rastis. Today he is a world-renowned physicist (Andrea Kane).

“String theory” states that every subatomic particle in the universe is a thin string that vibrates in nine dimensions.

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-Why do you say it is against the big bang theory? Can you explain a little more why Einstein’s theory is invalid?

– That’s what I said The interior of a black hole is a region of collapsing spacetime, with ‘singular’ in the future. The ‘singularity’ is where the curvature of spacetime becomes very high We cannot continue to use Einstein’s theory of relativity. It contains big bang Such singularity exists in the past. It is “opposite” in the following sense. At the Big Bang, the universe expands and the singularity is in the past. A part of space deals inside black holes is in the future.

How is the understanding of the quantum physics of black holes?

-Quantum mechanics black holes emit what is called Hawking radiation. This implies that black holes have temperature. This led to the idea that black holes as seen from outside would be a system obeying the laws of quantum mechanics.

About black holes, he says, “Space-time collapses in. Time seems to have ended inside black holes” ESO/M.Kornmesser/REUTERS via Handout. No result. Do not archive. This image is provided by a third party.

He was the first to propose a fundamental relationship between the two most important theories of modern physics, quantum field theory and quantum gravity. What is the relevance of this relationship?

-This relation provides a quantum description of black holes in some universes. In universes where the laws of physics are simple, relativity is clearly understood for universes unlike our own.

Why is string theory so radical and revolutionary?

– This was interesting for several reasons. First, it allows for a quantum explanation for black holes. Second, it deals with problems involving quantum particles, strongly interacting with the theory of gravity. It also allows us to use gravity to study problems in quantum mechanics.

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Maltasena’s career seems out of place for so many accolades. Besides those already mentioned, we must not forget the Breakthrough Prize, the Konex Brillante Prize and the Galileo Galilei Medal.

Physicist gives conferences and talks around the world (Nicolas Manassi for Masters Argentina)

Despite his achievements, the physicist maintains humility, thanking his mentors and colleagues for his progress. Undoubtedly Lorentz Medal In 2018, it was an award that many saw as a preview of the Nobel Prize. He doesn’t want to mention his desire to receive this award, but instead wants to say What job or invention are you currently working on?

“I’m trying to understand the geometry of what are known as wormholes that connect relatively distant regions in spacetime,” he says.

What fascinates you about black holes?

-That outer-time collapses. Time seems to run out inside black holes.

Where do you think Argentina’s science stands today?

-Science is very good in Argentina, considering the size of its population and economy. It can always be improved anyway.


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