Crash at Jorge Chavez Airport: Investigation into Garbage controllers continuing to work at company | lime

Crash at Jorge Chavez Airport: Investigation into Garbage controllers continuing to work at company |  lime

A year has passed since the tragic accident Jorge Chavez International Airport It resulted in the deaths of three aviation firefighters whose mobilized unit crashed with a plane that was taking off at the time. Likewise, the Sudaka portal recently aired a video from the control tower, which shows the carelessness of air traffic controllers. General Manager of Peru Airports and Commercial Aviation Corporation (Garbage), Roger Bernedo pointed out that the investigated workers continue to work for the company as they have not yet been convicted.

read more: Corpac on video from control tower during crash: “They’re trying to confuse public opinion”

This is what he pointed out Berndt Yesterday, during his presentation, together with the Chairman of the Board of Directors Garbage, Roberto de la Torre, at the Congressional Transportation Commission, the two were invited to give explanations after the release of the latest images. Among these, some controllers are seen engaging in inappropriate behavior such as resting and sleeping.

It is worth mentioning that there are 4 workers investigated by the General Ministry: Wilbur Ruiz, General Coordinator Control tower; Supervisors Estrella Alcantara and Marcelo Rodriguez; and Air Traffic Controller Reynaldo Bravo.

We have 4 controllers who will be charged and testify by the prosecutor. The sleeping supervisor was one of them. An investigation has also been conducted into the supervisor who fired him; as well as the surface controller. Finally, they all have a supervisor and boss. 4 people are also being investigated“, he said.

The chairman of the Corpac board of directors, Roberto De La Torre, said there was no justification for the inappropriate behavior of some of the control tower staff witnessed in the released video. (Photo: George Cherton)

General Manager Garbage mentioned that By protocol, the The Directorate General of Civil Aeronautics requires the personnel involved in the accident to be removed from action for a specified period, after which they are re-evaluated and, if applicable, reinstated to their posts.

They were removed from the process. After about 30 days, they were re-evaluated, reinstated and are now on duty. Of course, except for the two controllers with incorrect posture, those sent to other types of operations such as simulators or trainers.“, said Berndt.

On the other hand, following a report carried out by the Air Accidents Investigation Branch (CIIA) last September, it points to a number of conclusions and recommendations. Garbage Created an internal investigation panel that only takes into account workers who show bad behavior and inappropriate postures on video, not those who are being investigated by the prosecutor’s office so as not to interfere with the proceedings.

De la Torre, for his part, exposed the inappropriate behavior of some workers. Control towerAnd as evidenced in the published video, there is no justification.

It cannot be tolerated. For us this is unacceptable. That is why we are asking the management [de Corpac] Disciplinary action should be taken. They cannot be in that attitude“, under control.

He added that the board of directors of the company has asked the management to implement all the recommendations mentioned in the CIIA report. “All these recommendations are implemented to prevent future accidents.”, he highlighted.

read more: Corpac on video from control tower during crash: “They’re trying to confuse public opinion”

A few hours ago, when interviewed by various media, Bernedo took a certain responsibility Garbage In the event of an unscheduled accident, coordination with privileged Lima airport partners will allow firefighters to conduct response time training at the airport terminal.

He, however, reiterated that the aviation firefighters received authorization to begin training but did not enter the airport’s landing area. George Chavez. He said that the exercise was planned to be carried out on routes that did not have access to the airstrip.

Garbage There is some liability in the coordination and use of the phrase, but the reason is clear: no entry to the runway is permitted.”, he emphasized.

What does the control tower video reveal?

Journalist Juan Carlos Tafur’s report, published last Friday on Sudaca Peru’s YouTube channel, contains a timeline of events that took place minutes before the accident, the precise moment of the tragedy and the moments after. .

According to the report, on November 18, 2022, the day of the accident, Air Traffic Controller Reynaldo Bravo began work, and shortly after, at 3:09 p.m., he authorized aviation firefighters to begin a time and response exercise.

The video also shows what moment the watcher is at Control tower of airportMarcelo Rodríguez sleeps about 14 minutes between 2:46 p.m. and 3:00 p.m., despite being in charge of coordinating firefighter training with all parties involved.

Sudaka’s report provides a timeline of events that took place minutes before the crash, the precise moment of tragedy and the moments after. (Photo: Sudaka Video Capture)

Likewise, at 3:00 p.m., he entered Control tower Another employee, also an air traffic controller, decided to take a break and lay down between two chairs. She covered herself with a blanket, placing a pillow behind her to support her head.

According to the pictures, when the clock read 3:11 p.m., the crew Control tower He saw the fire truck and Ladam’s plane approaching the landing strip, but could do nothing but observe the scene. Tragedy strikes moments later. The workers were frustrated and could not believe what had just happened.

Immediately, a tower supervisor asked air traffic controllers if they would coordinate firefighter training to take place outside the runway. The same worker asks control officer Reynaldo Bravo if he told the firefighters that the training was derailed, but he doesn’t answer. Then he asks someone to take over his position.

read more: The prosecutor’s office obtained video without audio of what happened in the control tower during the crash at the airport, according to the prosecutor.

Minutes later, at 3:16 p.m., Bravo admits that he did not inform the firefighters that the drill was to be carried out off the rails at the insistence of a supervisor. “I’m not saying off-piste, or I’m not saying there’s recognition on piste” You listen to him.

At 3:35 p.m., Supervisor Marcelo Rodríguez, who was asleep before the accident, admits to his colleagues that Controller Reynaldo Bravo did not receive the information from him and that he did not have time to give it. .

Finally, at 4:07 p.m., Wilbur Ruiz, general coordinator Control tower of Jorge Chavez AirportWorkers demand Garbage To make a statement about what happened, based on the fact that they never knew the firefighters wanted to enter the landing area, they are heard saying: “Everything is closed.”

Dead firefighter’s father speaks out

Roberto Santa Cadia, the father of one of the dead firefighters, dismissed the fact that the workers involved in the investigation into the tragic accident were working. Garbage They were not separated, at least temporarily, until the trials were prolonged and concluded.

This is a non-compliant topic; That means if a worker is involved in an accident, the first thing to do is separate them to see what happened. If they continue to serve, many feel that we are in the hands of those who are not doing their part properly.”, he revealed.

read more: MTC announces increase in number of posts for air traffic controllers and arranges reorganization of Corpac

About the recently released video Control towerHe indicated that it has been evaluated by his lawyer and they have not ruled out filing a complaint for manslaughter.

This tragedy could have been avoided. Watching the related videos, you can see two people watching the instruments in motion. Two people are also seen resting”, he questioned.

It is worth noting that aviation firefighters Nicholas Santa Cadia and Angel Torres died instantly when the emergency truck collided with Ladam’s plane. A third firefighter, Manuel Villanueva, died in June this year after months of hospitalization.

Corpac confirmed the decision to hire firefighters

In a statement issued last Saturday, Garbage He pointed out that the images posted by Sudaca were “edited and taken out of context” because “they don’t conform to reality,” he said. The agency stated that it will provide the Airline Accident Investigation Agency (CIAA) with the control tower’s entire recording (24 hours long), showing what happened before, during and after the crash.

Therefore, it is not true that the company has hidden these records, or that they constitute new evidence within the framework of the investigation.“, to be precise.

Garbage After examining all the records, the Air Accidents Investigation Branch (CIIA) ruled out that the controller’s actions, sleeping and lying on two chairs, which occurred in the minutes before the accident, were the cause of the accident. .

However, Garbage It considers the body postures of some controllers unacceptable on the day of the accident, and for this reason, it is undertaking a profound reform in that area.“, under control.

Meanwhile, he highlighted that the CIAA, in its report, determined that the cause of the accident was the unauthorized entry of the SSEI – LAP vehicle (where the fire fighters were) into the landing area. Control tower. He explained that this permission was neither requested by the personnel in the particular unit nor given by the control tower at any time.

Conclusion 35 of the report states: “Authorization to enter the runway was not requested or authorized by the Rescue and Fire Service (SSEI-LAP) Control tower before or during exercise””, he pointed out.


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