The Minister of Economy and the director of Promipyme discuss microcredit planning as a tool for development

The Minister of Economy and the director of Promipyme discuss microcredit planning as a tool for development

Santo Domingo.- Minister of Economy, Planning and Development, Pavel Issa Contrerasand the new Director General of the National Council for the Promotion and Support of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (Promipyme), Fabrizio Gomez MazaraDiscussed the pronouncement regarding the promotion policy Promotion of MSMEs and microcredit.

Aiza Contreras received a visit from Gómez Mazara in his office at the headquarters of the Ministry of Economy, Planning and Development, where they resolved related issues. Microcredit planning as a tool for development in regions, With the aim of improving the quality of life of the people.

Economic Minister highlighted Collaborative work They are formed along with other Ministries and Departments of Government to regionalize public policies i.e. assess, formulate, formulate, implement, monitor and review. Public interventions for people and people living in all territories.

The National Multi-Year Public Sector Plan (PNSP) has 33 priority public policies, among which development of MSMEs.

For his part, Gómez emphasized the importance of Massara Strengthening the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprise sector as a policy for the development of the country.

On November 15, he was appointed by President Luis Abinader Decree 580-23 Gómez Mazara as Director of Bromepime.

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