Home Economy Cuba: Economy Minister sacked after gasoline hike postponed | the world

Cuba: Economy Minister sacked after gasoline hike postponed | the world

Cuba: Economy Minister sacked after gasoline hike postponed |  the world

He Cuban government Amidst the biggest appeal, Alejandro Gil, until now the economy minister, was fired. Economic adjustment For decades, state television has reported this Friday.

Gill, who has been in office since 2018, was fired two days later until further notice — and without a definite date — Petrol hike 400%, one of the key measures in the package announced last December, which contemplates cuts in subsidies. Increases in rates Transport and services etc ElectricityIn water and liquefied gas cylinders.

This is also happening a day after the government adjourned.”Until further notice” Increase in ticket prices for inter-provincial buses up to 400%, railways up to 600% and domestic flights within the island up to 468%.

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The government's massive shock plan – which has been criticized by independent experts – seeks to turn around the country's economy after it expires in 2023. GDP falls By 1% to 2%, the fiscal deficit for this year is expected to be 18.5% and without tourism it will not reach the figures reached before the COVID-19 pandemic.

After the big monetary reform of 2021, now in charge of the former economy minister, came to an end – known as the ordering mission on the island. Dual currency in Cuba. In recent weeks, the government itself has publicly acknowledged this “It did not achieve its objectives”.

Since then, the exchange rate between the Cuban peso (CUP) and the dollar – 24 CUP per greenback for legal entities and 120 CUP per dollar for individuals in the state market – rose on the black market until reaching 290 CUP per dollar this Friday.

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Gili will be replaced by Joaquín Alonso Vázquez, the former Minister of the Central Bank of Cuba (BCC). Council of State In a note read on state TV news. On the other hand, Juana Lilia Delgado will head the Portal PCC.

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The government has also made changes in other ministries. In science, technology and environment, he replaced Eduardo Martínez Díaz, who served as president of the state-run BioCubaFarma business group, replacing Elba Rosa Pérez Montoya, who had held the position since 2012.

Additionally, Manuel Santiago Sobrino will step down as Food Industry Minister and replace him with Alberto López Díaz, governor of the central province of Villa Clara.


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