‘Cuto’ Guadalupe responds to Pedro Suárez Vértiz: “Advice is given privately” | Magali Medina | Showbiz | Latest | | TVMAS

‘Cuto’ Guadalupe responds to Pedro Suárez Vértiz: “Advice is given privately” |  Magali Medina |  Showbiz |  Latest |  |  TVMAS

‘Gudo’ Guadalupe After the show he returned to the media to talk about the infidelity scandal involved Magali Medina Shows pictures of her current partner leaving the hotel with another man.

Check it out here: Cuto Guadalupe responds to her son after the statements he made after his partner’s infidelity

Given this, Pedro Suarez Vertis After accusing Magali of setting a trap and being responsible for “Amboy”, he decided to counsel the ex-footballer. “Don’t Kill the Messenger” Some of the tips given to him by the singer.

Thus, ‘Guto’ used his opinion column in Drome newspaper to respond to the words dedicated to him by the famous rock singer.

“I appreciate the advice, even though I didn’t ask for it, since we’re not friends,” Said the former footballer. “I like their songs and they are not close,” he said. “I say that humbly, without arrogance. In private matters, I believe that advice is given in private”, The singer wrote referring to the publication.

More information: Meet the 23-year-old model and son of TikToker ‘Kudo’ Guadalupe

“While Pedro points out that ‘don’t blame Meghan’, I disagree when he says that ‘no journalist anywhere in the world would keep that scoop quiet'”. emphasized. “They’re comfortable distinguishing between what’s news and what’s illegal.”

According to the criterion of

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