Business Leaders Unite for a Viable Economy for the World | CEOs for change

Business Leaders Unite for a Viable Economy for the World |  CEOs for change

The current economic model based on short-termism, competitiveness and unrestrained consumption of the planet’s limited resources must change. Or at least that’s what 16 business leaders who recently presented themselves in Madrid as Círculo de Impacto B, an initiative of the B Corp movement, see the need for it, even if it already exists in other parts of the world. by the Spanish community for the first time on the European continent.

A key goal set by the group is the transition towards an economy that has a “positive impact” on communities, the environment and individuals. To achieve that, they invite top leaders from other organizations to participate in this paradigm shift in the way they do business. This sustainable business transformation requires the involvement of all actors in society and senior management positions are no exception, but as explained by Raimon Puigjaner, co-founder and president of B Lab Spain, the non-profit organization that runs B. corp movement.

“No organization is possible in a dying world,” warns Esther Sarza, president of Círculo de Impacto B and patron of B Lab Spain, who suggests that the priority is to include maximum support in this first phase. Policies such as legislation on purpose-driven companies (approved in the Congress of Representatives, but still without regulations) and raising awareness among citizens and other business leaders are having a public impact.

This initiative of the B Corp movement calls for a change in the business model

For this reason, Sarsa has described the initiative as a “space of hope” that welcomes concerns, solutions and “bold” decisions, bringing “transformative” experiences at the social and environmental level. As representative figures, members of this community gain visibility by speaking to their peers or through more media activities to “show that a new business model is already essential and invite other business leaders to put it on their agenda.”

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Raimon Puigjaner, co-founder and president of B Lab Spain.

Long term view

According to José Armando Dellado, General Director of Central Lechera Asturiana (Capsa Food) and member of the latest community of purpose-driven business leaders, the company is “a very powerful, direct and agile transformation vehicle”. Evolve towards a new paradigm. In fact, according to World Bank data, the private sector generated up to 82% of gross domestic product (GDP) in 2020.

For Dellado, it’s time to turn the page and remove irrelevant concepts like short-termism or competitiveness from the jargon. The climate emergency and social inequalities require a long-term or “legacy” vision for future generations, and in a gesture of “generosity”, initiate “sharing, cooperation, contribution”. It’s not about seeking conflict or the polarization that might exist in other areas, but about “promoting greater public well-being,” he explained.

This implies that beyond providing a product or service, companies are providers of “value” and contribute to creating a social and environmental benefit, as well as the economy. In this regard, Spanish law recognizes since October the number of Public Benefit and Interest Associations (SBIC), which identifies companies that consider the objectives of creating economic, social and environmental value. Now,​​​​this community of business leaders, together with many other actors, says that the regulation of this number should be approved with a dual purpose: to use the law effectively and to respond to the demand of thousands of companies that already want to adopt this model. .

José Armando Dellado, Circle of Impact B member and CEO of Central Lechera Asturiana (Capsa Food).
José Armando Dellado, Circle of Impact B member and CEO of Central Lechera Asturiana (Capsa Food).Marina Vallejo


The presentation ceremony held at Camilo José Cela University (UCJC) was attended by many of the business leaders who make up the Círculo de Impacto B and who lead some of the most relevant Spanish companies in the country in various economic sectors. Nieves Segovia, host and member of Círculo de Impacto B and President of the SEK Education Group (to which UCJC belongs), highlighted the importance of universities continuing to fulfill their role as “motors of change and progress”.

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The 16 members of the Impact B Circle are Nieves Segovia, President of the SEK Education Group; Natalia Berenguer, General Secretary of Danone for Southern Europe; Jose Armando Dellado, CEO of Capsa Food; Mario Rovirosa, CEO of Ferrer; Miquel Fluxà, CEO of Camper; Ana Wallace, president of Soriku; Ferran Rodés, Managing Director of ISPD Global; Inka Guixà, CEO of La Farga; Carlos Navarro, General Manager of BASF Española; Ferran Nogu, co-founder of Holaloos; Juan E. Naya, CEO of ISDIN; Francesc Rubiralta, President and CEO of CELSA; Manuel Puig, Vice President of Puig – Family Business Company; Meinrad Spenger, CEO of MAS Movil; Andrea Monge, CEO of ISPD GlobalRebold and Christina Kenz, CGO of The Kraft Heinz Company.

This community of business leaders with a purpose was officially created after the signing of a declaration, before which some leaders such as Navarro, Monge and Berenguer put words to this mobilization. “Today we face a blank page. We have to start writing a new story. And stories are written by actions, not statements.

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