Economy to launch tender for poles of Millennium Group Interoceanic Corridor

Economy to launch tender for poles of Millennium Group Interoceanic Corridor

The Ministry of Economy (SE), Rachel Buenrostro, gave a flag to Companies Personal Initiate negotiations for investment Interoceanic Corridor And confirmed that it will be released next week Official Journal of the Federation They estimate that the country will become a world power in the next 30 years, with the tender to start bidding for six of the 10 poles of the (DOF) job.

At a press conference, it was explained that it is currently already under analysis National Commission for Regulatory Development (CONAMER) Declaration of Poles coatzacoalcos one and two, Salinas Cross, St. Place Ademba, St. John the Evangelist Y TexistepecThey explained that they are in perfect condition, are located in active areas, the criteria of indigenous consultation are recognized, are not in protected natural areas, and other activities can ensure that traders do not have any problems with the pole. and will receive support throughout the process from the unit.

beautiful face He said he hoped the publication would be accepted Conamor, next week they will already be published in DOF and the process will start. He also announced that the tax concessions of these six poles will be declared and officially declared by the end of this week.

He added that we will present these measures in the coming days USA, Canada And other countries, whose companies are interested in participating.

Once interested parties register in these areas, the economy will begin bidding and the governing body will take into account various factors such as the jobs and salaries they create in the area, and once the tender is issued, the title of the offer or the creation of a company for a specific purpose, which will be awarded for two years, which can be extended up to five years.

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They also explained If after two years no investment comes in from the country, the polo shirt will be withdrawn and returned to the auction..

The Ministry of Economy He confirmed that they are investing in the country through this project and that they are not interested in speculation or building real estate developments.

“What we want is to integrate the value chains, so what will come out soon is the tender for these poles, which will be six out of ten initially, there will be no restrictions by the keys, and the logistics area will not be involved. We want development poles because we are not interested in real estate development, we don’t want property speculation. , we expect expansion in the short term,” the secretary said.

The incentives you publish Hacienda Son:

  • With the support of the Ministry of Economy
  • Zero rate IVA
  • Accelerated depreciation of the investment in the first two years
  • Income tax for the first three years
  • No payment is made between poles IVA First 4 years

For his part, the Deputy Secretary Foreign Trade, Alejandro Encinas NájeraHe explained that Mexico It is a good place thanks to the country’s economic stability, labor force and other factors.

Francisco Cervantes, Chairman Council for Business Coordination (CCE) He said he congratulated the Ministry of Economy for this project Mexico By nearby has progressed.

“It’s a great job (…) It’s very important to bring together all these advantages that Mexico has in terms of competitiveness, I congratulate you and if possible we will come with you. Canada And all these countries, because we are in an encouraging moment,” he said.


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