“Education Discovers Artificial Intelligence Too Late”, Reflections by Alejandro Artoputos on School and Technology

Alejandro Artopoulos spoke with Ticmas about the benefits of digitization of educational processes. (Agustin Brasich/Digmas)

Technology has been in school classrooms for at least a decade, however, it cannot be done at all educational levels or in all parts of the world and is not adequately studied.

To talk about some of the benefits of GPT Chat beyond homework, Alejandro Artopulos Attended the auditorium Digmas The Buenos Aires International Book Fair broke down topics such as teacher training, in-person or online classes, datafication and how AI is being inserted into school life.

Artopoulos is director of the Information and Knowledge Society Open University of Catalonia and Professor of Technology and Educational Change St. Andrew’s UniversityIn a school of education, a teacher Science Technology and Society In University of Buenos Aires.

According to Artopoulos, a decade ago education began to drive digital transformation, adopting 1-to-1 models and bringing your own device strategies.

At the beginning of the speech, Patrizio Zunini he asked Alejandro Artopulos On whether it is better to conduct classes in person or online, the expert unhesitatingly opined that it is better for education to take place “in physical form”. However, he highlighted the current relevance of videotaping university classes for students and teachers alike.

Artopulos said the practice has intensified The international spread of Covid-19, It allows students to review content and allows teachers to identify areas for improvement in teaching. Before video became widely implemented, students relied mainly on class notes, shared among classmates or obtained by photocopy, but now “the pandemic has turned this practice into a new teaching strategy,” forcing many universities and colleges to adopt recording of classes as a norm. .

Although the tool may be considered useful only for students who can “revisit some difficult topics”, teachers can analyze students’ viewing habits by recording how often they pause certain segments of the video, providing valuable feedback to improve classes.

application Recorded video At institutions such as the University of San Andres, it has already gained institutionalized importance. Artopoulos opined that students depend on these recordings for their academic preparation, to the point of checking in advance whether “classes are being uploaded” to the school platform during exam times.

“There are sites specifically for recorded video that record all the movements and all the patterns and behaviors students have while watching the video. Then the teachers can watch the video sections where the students stop the most,” he noted.

Alejandro Artopoulos comments on the benefits of artificial intelligence for teachers.

The Artificial intelligence And this Big data Assertive tools for improving quality of education Argentina Y Latin AmericaAccording to Alejandro Artopoulos, but regionally they are not yet commonly used in European and North American countries.

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Alejandro commented Educational process data It is an effective method of using data to improve classes and student achievement. He explained that datafication refers to the collection and analysis of educational data available at school and university sites with the aim of improving the learning experience. In this context, the Learning platforms They can monitor student behavior in detail and create early warnings to prevent dropouts.

He opined that while the most basic level of dataization involves analytics built into each educational platform, to get deeper analytics, it is necessary to integrate multiple platforms into an integrated learning ecology. In these settings, the debate also arises as to whether digitization actually improves educational quality or, on the contrary, imposes stereotypes. Freedom of teachers Using different teaching methods. The controversy is widening with the introduction of artificial intelligence in the field of education, which is especially popular IA will create as ChatGPT.

Artopoulos adds artificial intelligence to learning activities, stressing the importance of future educators learning to program as a teaching skill.

Professor UdeSa commented that while artificial intelligence has improved many aspects of our lives, such as email sorting and navigating through Google Maps, its impact on education has been less visible until now. Origin of ChatGPT. This shift has shifted the academic agenda, now focusing on artificial intelligence instead of data-driven platforms.

“Actually, education was a late discoverer of artificial intelligence. We’ve all been using artificial intelligence since 2001, when it was successfully implemented in Internet searches, spam sorting, and various other services that improve our lives. Artificial intelligence for education, that artificial intelligence was invisible,” said Digmas Auditorium. said.

But even if it’s an invention from 2022 to now, preparations for integrating artificial intelligence into education will vary between companies. According to Artopoulos, some are more advanced than others, but the challenge is universal. “AI challenges any university or college, regardless of country,” Artopoulos said.

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The expert also noted that teachers and institutions are working to find coherent responses that align with their teaching philosophies. However, the lack of preparation is particularly evident in the context of countries in the Global South. The rapid transition to distance education during the pandemic demonstrated the ability of some institutions to adapt, although it revealed important shortcomings. Now, with the introduction of ChatGPT and other AI tools, the education landscape is expected to continue to evolve rapidly.

Alejandro opined that the dataization of the educational process is a great way to use data and improve classes and student performance.

Although Artopoulos recognized it Artificial Intelligence (AI) Replaces key areas such as EducationBy changing traditional research methods, integrating advanced technological tools, educational assessment faces new challenges, especially Secondary and University Institutions.

He pointed out that unlike Predictive and Prescriptive AI, Generative artificial intelligence doesn’t do anything by itself because it’s not yet widely accepted in users’ daily lives. Despite its potential, it is in the process of proving its practical impact in everyday life and in the field of education.

Artopoulos recalls that the biggest concern in the education sector is the use of AI tools that make students perform tasks and exams without their own effort, leading to the use of anti-copy detection systems, but there are still limits to allowing them. Correct usage.

Artopoulos also noted Memorization Tradition has undergone reevaluation in the face of new technologies, highlighting that reliance on AI does not guarantee adequate educational results. Implementing AI in education requires a conscious strategy by teachers and students to maximize its benefits and minimize its drawbacks.

The UdeSa and UBA professor opined that there is still a live debate on whether introducing AI in education is good or not.

Finally, Alejandro Artopulos He talked about how Technology It has influenced the education sector from elements like Computers In the 80s, Wikipedia, Google Now the artificial intelligence, And each has produced significant changes in education.

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Artopulos said he was diagnosed Mild dyslexia At 13 years old, that technology is important to his learning process, even more so Computers That made it easy to write Y Reading. However, he emphasizes that this relationship was not so fluid for all educators, as many faced difficulties integrating computers into their classrooms. According to Artopoulos, that was a decade ago Education They started accepting such models 1 a 1 and strategies Bring your own deviceDriving a digital transformation.

In the conversation, he said that in developed countries, digital education follows specific models for each region. Artopoulos mentions such iconic cases as Finland, South Korea, AmericaY Singapore, each with unique approaches to using technology in schools. Artopoulos highlights projects such as Smart School South Korea and attention Information society In Finland, it points out that these countries offer different “flavors” of digital education. United Kingdom A relevant example appears to be school modernization under Govt Tony Blair Focused Creative education. Artopoulos points out that statistics like Ken Robinson They were the ambassadors of this model, highlighting the British secondary schools that prepared famous artists.

While narrating his experience St. Andrew’s UniversityArtopoulos described how his students, future teachers, are dealing with emerging technologies. ChatGPT. In his course “Technology and Educational Transformation,” Artopoulos adds artificial intelligence to learning activities, stressing the importance of future educators learning to program.

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