EFE Economic Day Topics for Tuesday, January 9, 2024

EFE Economic Day Topics for Tuesday, January 9, 2024

Government Assistance (Previous)

MADRID – The government's latest anti-inflation measures, including aid for energy or transport, unemployment benefit reform and a standard for evaluating civil servants, are flying in the wind as Judes and Podemos refuse to back a single skirt. Day of its vote in the Congress of Representatives.

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– Information will be sent in a key format with key actions that may be reduced due to lack of parliamentary support.



Spanish debt

MADRID – After net debt issues rose to 65 billion euros in 2023, the Spanish public treasury is presenting its financing strategy for this year.



Markets are competitive

MADRID – The Spanish Stock Markets and Markets (BME) and consulting firm Deloitte present a 'white paper' with measures to increase the competitiveness of Spanish capital markets.



Views of the World Bank

WASHINGTON – The World Bank is releasing its report, “Global Economic Prospects to 2024,” at a time when recession has followed strong and accelerating interest rates around the world to combat inflation and greater global political instability.

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EU unemployment

BRUSSELS – Eurostat, the social statistics agency, reported the unemployment rate for last November in the twenty countries of the Eurozone and in the European Union as a whole to be 6.5% and 6% respectively in October.

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Davos Forum

GENEVA – The World Economic Forum (WEF) will present the agenda of the Davos forum at a press conference on Tuesday, the largest gathering of political, economic and business leaders that begins each year in the city in the Swiss Alps. It will be celebrated from 15th to 19th January.

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USA technology

Las Vegas (USA) – The technology industry announces its latest innovations and projects at the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in Las Vegas, attended by tech giants and emerging companies, with artificial intelligence (AI) as the main protagonist.

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Information agenda

09:00h.- Bilbao.- Economic conference.- Antón Costas, professor of economic policy at the University of Barcelona and current president of the Economic and Social Council of Spain, will present at the conference “Against distrust: a social contract for progress. Shared”, organized by Zedarriak forum. Yuskaltuna Palace

10:00 am- MADRID.- RATO CASE.- The case of the origin of the fortune of former Vice President of the Government Rodrigo Rato continues in the Madrid Provincial Court. Madrid Provincial Court. C/ Santiago de Compostela.

10:45h.- Madrid.- Spanish debt.- Treasury holds auction of 6 and 12 month bills.

12:00h.- Madrid.- Competitive Markets.- The Heads of the Spanish Stock Markets and Markets (BME) and the National Stock Market Commission (CNMV) present a white paper to promote the competitiveness of the Spanish capital markets. Stock Exchange Palace. Plaza de la Loyalty, 1. (Text)

– 12:00h.- Welcome from David Jiménez-Blanco, Vice President of BME.

– 12:05h.- Book presentation by Jorge Yzaguirre from BME and María Guinot, Deloitte Legal partner.

– 12:35h.- Javier Hernani, CEO of BME, speaks.

– 12:45h.- The President of the CNMV, Rodrigo Buenaventura, concluded.

1:00 pm- Iberia meets again with the CCOO and UGT, the two unions that have called a four-day strike that ended this Monday as they continue to negotiate and try to reach an agreement on the company's ground handling ('handling') services. The future of workers.

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16:00h.- Madrid.- Álvaro López Barceló, General Director of Treasury and Fiscal Policy, will hold a briefing on the State's financing strategy in 2024. Ministry of Economy, Trade and Commerce. Paseo de la Castellana, 162. Room A.



GENEVA.- DAVOS FORUM.- Press conference of the World Economic Forum (WEF), the annual meeting of political, economic and business leaders in the Swiss Alpine city to present the agenda of the Davos Forum. (Text)

11:00 am- Brussels.- EU Unemployment.- Eurostat releases EU unemployment data for November. (Text) (Infographic)


2:00 PM- Mexico City.- Mexico Inflation.- Mexico reveals headline inflation for 2023. (Text) (Photo)

2:30 PM- Washington.- USA Trade.- The US releases balance of trade data for November. (Text)

3:00 PM- Mexico City.- Mexico Automobile.- Mexico releases production and export data for the auto industry for 2023. (Text) (Photo)

15:30h.- Washington.- WORLD BANK OUTLOOK.- The World Bank publishes its report “Global Economic Prospects to 2024”, which at this time indicates high global political instability and poor global growth. (Text) (Infographic)

23:00h.- Buenos Aires.- ARGENTINA TOURISM.- Argentina releases international tourism statistics for November, showing a 49% year-on-year increase in foreign visitors in October. (Text) (Video)

Bogotá.- COLOMBIA INFLATION.- The government of Colombia publishes inflation results for December and accumulated inflation for 2023, which is expected to be close to 10%. (Text)

PANAMA CITY.- Panama Canal.- The 60th anniversary of the heroic act of January 9, 1964 that gave Panama the seed of the Interoceanic Canal, built and managed by the United States for nearly 86 years. (Text) (Photo)

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Caracas.- Venezuela Demonstrations.- Several unions and trade groups in Venezuela are protesting in Caracas to demand salary and pension increases from the government, as well as to denounce judicial harassment against some public servants. (Text) (Photo) (Video)

Caracas.- Venezuela Transport.- Experts explain the limitations of developing and integrating multimodal transport and mobility in Venezuela, where authorities hope to implement a “pilot project” in a “short time” in the coastal area near Caracas. (Text) (Photo) (Video)

Las Vegas (USA).- USA TECHNOLOGY.- One of the most important technology events of the year, the Consumer Electronics Show begins in Las Vegas. (Text) (Photo) (Video)



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