Francisco Belante on Argentina’s elections: “Recent polls give Javier Mili a slight advantage”

Francisco Belante on Argentina’s elections: “Recent polls give Javier Mili a slight advantage”

The second round of Argentina’s presidential election will take place this Sunday, November 19 Sergio Massa Y Javier Miley They will measure their strength in the polls to determine who will be the next president of that country.

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Official candidate this Sunday Sergio Massa and libertarian representative Javier Miley They will face each other in a poll to determine who will take over the presidency Argentina From 10th December.

Internationalist in this regard Francisco Belante He pointed out that recent opinion polls give the leader a definite advantage Freedom developmentsBut he clarified, “Obviously, nothing can be ruled out.”

“Argentina is very divided. Recent polls are slightly positive mercyThat means at some point – after the first round – appeared Massa The second one was in a great position to win, and now it may have turned upside down because of the alliance that Miley (Maurizio) made with the team. Macri“, he pointed out on the show Things are as they are of RPP.

In a tense electoral climate between the two sectors after an independent complaint of alleged fraud in the first round, Belante said “the specter of fraud is reappearing” and “it is often stirred up by those who think they are going to go”. lose.” “.

“But that’s not all, because things are so contentious between the two mercyBut his own Massa Observers have been appointed to monitor the counting of votes,” he said.

About the candidates

Making a comparison between Javier Miley Y Sergio MassaFrancisco Belaúnde said that what was most disturbing about the former was his apparently unstable personality.

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He noted, however, that it “also represents a shift in terms of the economic model.” Argentina In recent decades it has led to the current disaster.”

“It’s almost expected that he might have an irrational side mercy can be mitigated by alliance with Macri and his team,” he said.

During the candidacy Union for HomelandHe said it reflects continuity.

“Of course he will try to make some reforms, but undoubtedly he is more afraid of what Miley will do in alliance with Macri. He is a minister of the current government, he represents continuity, he has that cross that represents him,” he said.


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