From August, Callao | Sunat | Customs | Research | economy

From August, Callao |  Sunat |  Customs |  Research |  economy

Until the change, this non-intrusive inspection will be in effect in the customs administration of Dagna until December 27, 2023, in Paita until December 17, 2024 and in Marítima del Callao from February 27 of this year.

Although the dates for Tacna and Paita are now maintained, they have been transferred to Callao: now, this method will be used from August 28 this year.

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Juan Andrés Cajas, General Manager of BGL PeruThese changes, which are scheduled to come into effect from August 28, 2024, are aimed at improving efficiency and security in handling cargo, and are good for enhancing and enhancing cargo inspections.

“The cornerstone of this change is the introduction of non-invasive inspections using scanners.” refers to

This technology allows you to check the contents of containers without opening them, significantly reduces the risk of damage to merchandise and streamlines the inspection process.

“Intrusive control represents a significant improvement in how we manage and protect inventory”Highlighting the importance of this step in safeguarding the integrity of products during the customs process, Cajas says that earlier, imports were heavily damaged as they were handled and opened for inspection.

However, these changes are not without challenges. According to Cajas, implementing scanners incurs additional costs and can create congestion in some areas, representing a logistical challenge that must be carefully managed.

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Despite these challenges, he says, the balance between advantages and disadvantages is tilted favorably towards the former. “The pros outweigh the cons, especially in reducing logistics time and costs.”

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The change addresses a long-standing problem in the inspection process: the inconsistency and lack of uniformity in previous inspections, which not only created uncertainty among importers but also raised questions about the fairness of the process.

With the new regulations, a more fair and orderly system is expected, establishing clear jurisdictions and procedures for inspections.

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Like before?

Katarzyna Dunin Borkowski, Director of Tax and Customs Consulting at PwC, Remember that the review of goods at customs is mainly carried out through physical inspections, which means a slow process and in some cases, the need to open containers to check their contents.

This traditional method presented challenges in terms of performance and waiting times, affecting logistics and international trade.

“The introduction of Sunat Non-Intrusive Inspection (SINI) is a game changer in this process. “This system allows the contents of containers and packages to be inspected using advanced technology such as X-ray scanners without the need to open them.” said.

This change is based on customs authority, which includes a set of powers and authorities that control the entry, stay, transfer and exit of goods from the customs territory, application and enforcement of legal and regulatory provisions.

Resolution 082-2011/SUNAT/A of the Sub-National Superintendent of Customs is one of the first documents approving a specific procedure for non-intrusive inspection in the customs premises of the Maritime Customs Administration of Gallao, which represents a milestone. Modernization of customs processes in the country.

Subsequently, Monitoring Resolution no. With 000131-2022/SUNAT, changes and specific procedure “Non-penetrative inventory inspection” were approved, updating and adapting procedures according to new requirements and available technologies.

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This shift to non-intrusive inspection facilitates foreign trade, improves customs review time and improves efficiency without compromising security. Sunat has created the system as part of its plan to strengthen control measures based on risk indicators to combat trade fraud and other customs and tax crimes.

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About the author

Attorney at the Peruvian University of Applied Sciences. Currently, he holds the position of editor in the economics section at Diario Gestión.

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