Gabriela Alava Reveals Jean Desa Turned Her Back After Creating Street Scandal | Vanessa Lopez | Magali Medina | Magaly TV: The Firm | Showbiz | programs

Gabriela Alava Reveals Jean Desa Turned Her Back After Creating Street Scandal |  Vanessa Lopez |  Magali Medina |  Magaly TV: The Firm |  Showbiz |  programs

Gabriela Alava decided to break her silence and tell the details of the street scandal that happened to her Jean Desa Outside your home. The model spoke for the event Magali Medina And he explained why he decided to go with the footballer.

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As he said in the entertainment program, the Cienciano del Cusco player would have made a scandal in his house, not to tell his things, but to talk to her and try to restart their relationship.

He liked to talk and clarify issues. (Did he ask you back?) Yes”, replied Alava in front of the cameras of ‘Maghali TV: La Firm’.

Another time, Jean Desa’s ex admitted that she agreed to talk to the athlete after an argument because she wanted to prevent the scandal from reaching the media.

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When he takes my keys and I follow him, it’s because I’m trying to reassure him. (…) He knows I don’t like slander. (…) I’m sorry, I was angry at the time, but I was also sad. I know it’s wrong, I know he has issues, and I’m sorry he put the noose around his neck.” was added.

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