Google threatens to suspend applications from 10 non-paying companies

Google threatens to suspend applications from 10 non-paying companies

“Over a long period of time, 10 companies, including many well-established companies, have decided not to pay the enormous value they would get in Google Play by seeking interim protection from the courts,” the tech giant said.

Google, Technology. Photo: Reuters

This Friday, Google threatened Legal action to be taken against 10 Indian companies for non-payment of service charges for Google Play StoreIn the midst of a court battle that could upend the financial dynamics of digital payment services.

“For a long time, 10 companies chose, including many well-established companies Don't pay the huge price they get on Google Play by getting temporary protections from the courts”pointed out the technical platform in a detailed write-up published on its blog.

Google Play Store.  Photo: UnsplashGoogle Play Store. Photo: Unsplash

Google assured that these are the same developers who refuse to pay, without disclosing the names of the companies They “comply with the payment policies of other app stores” on Android platforms.

Meanwhile, the tech giant said it was taking “necessary steps to ensure our policies.” are used continuously throughout the ecosystem.”. These measures, which will be used “as needed”, include: “Remove apps from Google Play” until developers are ready to accept payment and billing again.

Another alternative is to think of these applications Work only for freeEven if their services are paid, Google will allow users who have purchased the service outside the ecosystem They can be accessed continuously.

Google.  Photo: UnsplashGoogle. Photo: Unsplash

Google.  Photo: Unsplash

Everything will be decided in court

Last year, many Indian companies have launched a legal battle Court of Asian country slams Google for charging developers to market their apps on Google Play Store “exploiters”.

Although the Supreme Court of India will formally hear the case on March 19, the High Court Refusal to provide temporary relief to companies.

“No court or regulator has denied Google Play's right to charge for the value and services we provide,” the company said in its statement. Unfair “allows this small group of developers to get differential treatment The vast majority of developers pay their fair share.

The judgment of the Supreme Court is over Digital infrastructure has set a great example for the economy If you decide to support the developers' claims.


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