Happy Carnival Bonus 2024: Will Patria be Granted in Venezuela? | New social security bonus for people | Festival Day 2024

Happy Carnival Bonus 2024: Will Patria be Granted in Venezuela?  |  New social security bonus for people |  Festival Day 2024

Find out if the Nicolás Maduro regime will offer the Happy Festivals 2024 bonus, how much will be paid and who will collect through the Patria system

Find out if the sweet carnival bonus will be offered again by the Sistema Patria de Venezuela in 2024. | Composition: Libero

February is just a few days away, so new cash aid will be handed out in Venezuela, and thousands of citizens want to know if Nicolás Maduro's government will pay the merry Carnivals bonus 2024. Place on February 12 and 13. Here we share all known information about it.

As it is known, for this month of January 2024, only a few cash grants are pending such as Peace Quadrant bonus; However, in February, the list of monetary aid benefiting various sectors of Venezuela was updated and included cash payments. Carnival bonus with new amount.

Will the 2024 Happy Carnival bonus be offered?

So far, the Venezuelan government has not confirmed the deposit Happy Carnival Bonus, as this cash grant will be added to the deposit for the month of February. If so, we have to wait for the report from the official sites.

Happy Carnivals Bonus Offered 2023 | Image: Telegram

Happy Carnival Bonus 2024: New Amount

Payment of the Happy Carnivals bonus made in 2023 consisted of a figure 88 bolivars or 3.61 dollars, according to the exchange rate administered by the Central Bank of Venezuela (BCV) at that time. Therefore, if the subscription is issued this new year, it is expected to have an increasing amount.

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When will the 2024 Happy Carnival bonus be paid?

This deposit is due to the fact that payments for cash assistance related to the month of February have not yet commenced Carnival Bonus 2024 will start within the fortnight of the month. For example, in previous years, payment was made from the 16th to the 21st through the Patria platform.

Happy Carnivals Bonus 2024: How to collect with Sistema Patria?

Citizens who receive this economic bonus You will get a message from 3532, confirming receipt of payment. Likewise, the Maduro government site must not miss any deposits.

Happy Carnival Bonus 2024: Beneficiaries

Users of the Patria system who collect the Happy Carnivals 2024 bonus should receive a message with the following text: “I invite you to enjoy and share, enjoy these days of carnival, tradition and culture with joy. Happy Carnivals! !”

Carnival date in Venezuela 2024

Although the Nicolás Maduro regime has not confirmed the payment of the Happy Carnivals bonus in 2024, it is known that the Venezuelan Carnival will take place next Monday, February 12 and Tuesday, February 13, 2024, which are considered national holidays.

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