Interdisciplinary Consensus for the Development of the Hydrogen Economy

Interdisciplinary Consensus for the Development of the Hydrogen Economy

More than 70 references of science and technology organization; Representatives of Chambers of Commerce and Industry; and national government officials and officials from the provinces of Buenos Aires, Rio Negro, Chubut and Tierra del Fuego participated in the third meeting of the Interim Hydrogen Schedule. The meeting convened by the Secretariat for Strategic Affairs took place in the original People’s Room of the Casa Rosada. Environmental policy related to hydrogen development in Argentina allowed pronounced intersectoral progress in the construction of medium-term goals in terms of professional training, transport, infrastructure and international trade.

The Hydrogen Intersectional Table Officials from the Ministries attended Interior, environment, economy, work And this President’s House. The meetings, convened by the Secretariat for Strategic Affairs, aim to consolidate a basic consensus for the industrialization of energy vectors by demonstrating the existing industrial, scientific and technological capacities in Argentina and promoting new linkages.

“The articulation with the public and private sectors will allow to promote the development of scientific-technical capacities with the aim of inserting Argentina in all the links of the hydrogen value chain”, The Deputy Secretary for Development Strategy revealed, Veronica Robert. While opening the table, the official celebrated the comprehensive and cross-cutting perspective on which the industrialization of hydrogen is planned and emphasized that the development of the value chain will also strengthen the capital goods industry – sectors such as electrolysers and wind turbines. There is currently a shortage all over the world.

Throughout the meeting, businessmen, scientists and civil servants advanced the validation of a set of goals and actions linked to the development of the hydrogen economy by 2030; At the federal level, regional needs and environmental considerations and creation of quality employment.

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The requirements and objectives in terms of infrastructure, training, training, funding and certifications are in line with the regulatory framework promoted by the national government in the bill submitted to Congress.

The event was attended by the Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers, officials and experts from the National Senate and the National House of Representatives; Ministries of Environment and Sustainable Development, Economy, Science, Technology and Innovation and Labour; President’s House; Industry Secretariat of the Ministry of Economy; and representatives of the governments of Buenos Aires, Rio Negro, Suput, Santa Cruz and Tierra del Fuego, as well as the German Association for International Cooperation (GIZ) and the French Embassy.

The panel included members of the H2AR Consortium; Companies Y-TEC, Fortescue Future Industries, Air Liquide Argentina, Grupo Mirgor, RP Global, INVAP, Enargas and Energia Provincial Sociedad del Estado (San Juan); R+D+i Agency; National Atomic Energy Authority (CNEA); National Institute of Technology (INTI); and CONICET.

Center for the Study of Regulatory Action (CEARE); The National Directorate for Environmental Assessment and the Federal Investment Council (CFI) also participated in the meeting at Casa Rosada, along with representatives of business organizations such as SMATA and the Argentine Trade Union (UIA); Argentine-German Chamber of Industry and Commerce (AHK Argentina); Argentine Chamber of Mining Suppliers (CAPMIN); Chamber of Industrialists of Capital Goods Projects and Engineering of the Republic of Argentina (CIPIBIC); and ADIMRA.


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