Israel: Hamas surprise attack kills at least 40 | Gaza Strip | Battle | Benjamin Netanyahu | the world

Israel: Hamas surprise attack kills at least 40 |  Gaza Strip |  Battle |  Benjamin Netanyahu |  the world

At least 40 people have died Israel And more than 700 people were injured in a surprise attack by the Islamist group Hamas by land, sea and air from Gaza that sparked a war in the region today. Palestinian sources said that the Palestinian militants who entered Israel captured around 50 people.

As an Israeli medical source confirmed to EFE, the deaths in Israel have surpassed isolation and the number of wounded has exceeded 740 since the Hamas offensive began early in the morning, leading to an unprecedented escalation of the war in the region. put Israeli officials on the ropes.

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In turn, at least a dozen Palestinians will be killed GazaAmong them were a journalist and at least ten Palestinian fighters, whose bodies were returned to shore after crossing into Israeli territory, according to Gaza sources.

According to the latest reports, at least 60 militants remain inside Israeli territory and are fighting against Israeli soldiers and police in several Israeli locations and communities around the coastal area.

Israeli security forces next to the body of a slain Hamas militant south of the city of Ashkelon on October 7, 2023. (EFE/EPA/ATEF SAFADI).

Hamas and Islamic Jihad militants abducted fifty people in Israel. Among them were soldiers and military officers, civilians and immigrants of Asian origin, according to Palestinian sources and videos on social networks.

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In turn, according to the images spread on the networks, the fighters They held hostage Israelis from coastal communities in their homes, including footage of them fleeing their homes in anger at the militants.

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“Don’t open the doors, stay inside, close the windows, we’re still searching the area,” warned the mayor of Sterod, one of the towns closest to the city. Gaza That’s where the attack began, where he vowed to commit “inhuman acts” against innocent people, according to Israeli news channel 12.

They also released videos of Palestinian militants carrying the bodies of dead Israeli soldiers through the streets of Gaza, where images of celebrations can be seen on public roads.

“Today we see the true face Hamas“A terrorist army whose sole objective is to kill innocent men, women and children,” condemned Israeli President Isaac Herzog, adding that the Palestinian group was backed by Iran.

“Innocent civilians were killed and wounded, many of whom continue to be attacked,” Herzog said, stressing that Israel “will take all necessary measures to eliminate this threat.”

The attack from Gaza was a severe blow to the Israeli armed forces and intelligence apparatus.

According to Haaretz newspaper, Israel’s senior security officials assured last week that Hamas has no interest in launching attacks or escalating the war with Israel at this time, as it wants to maintain internal stability within the border.


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