“Vladimir Cerón does not respond”: Peru Libre leader can’t be replaced after prison sentence

“Vladimir Cerón does not respond”: Peru Libre leader can’t be replaced after prison sentence
Vladimir Cheron is missing. | Infobae Peru (Camila Calderón) / Congress

Where is Vladimir Cheron? June’s Interim Criminal Appeals Chamber, which specializes in corruption crimes, rejected an appeal brought by the founder and general secretary. Free PeruWith a three-year and six-month prison sentence secured against him, the former governor of June disappeared from public view.

According to authorities, he was not at his home in Huancayo or the apartment he rented in Lima. A group Canal N He went to the party headquarters located in Brena where they did not give any answer about his whereabouts.

“We don’t know anything, we’re just some window installers. I can’t tell you why there aren’t office workers,” said an unidentified man over an intercom.

They did not provide information on the whereabouts of Vladimir Ceron at the headquarters of Perú Libre. Chanel N

A spokesperson for Pencil Bench also said, Flavio Cruz, The professional doctor confirmed that it was not found. “We tried to get in touch on the phone [con el doctor Cerrón] And his cell phone is switched off,” he announced.

“We knew it would be like this, […]But it is imaginary, the state never suffered damage, and we have other kinds of explanations. We have the right to doubt that Vladimir Cheron has not been forgiven for defeating the entire establishment in the last election process. He is the intellectual author of this entire process. “About how the popular Left came into government, that would have been very offensive,” he said.

According to common knowledge, the court, composed of Justices Walter Sipana, Julio Lagones and Carlos Carhuancho, ruled with two votes in favor and one vote against. The punishment is carried out immediately.

Vladimir Cheron Goes to Jail in Vanka Aerodrome Case (Justicia TV)

In addition to prison for the joint crime, the former governor of June will be disqualified from holding any public office for the same term and must serve alongside other criminals. 800 thousand soles collective civil compensation.

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Although recently convicted Very active on social networksThere has been no comment on the matter yet and various netizens speculate that he will seek political asylum at the Cuban or Mexican embassies.

“It is regrettable that the suspension of an effective sentence of less than four years at the judge’s discretion is evident in this move, a desperation to politically nullify Dr. Vladimir Seran,” they noted.

Report on the sentencing of Vladimir Cheron. | Free Peru

Later, at a press conference, five members of his caucus—among them Margot Palacios, Kelly Portalatino, Flavio Cruz and Americo Gonza—read a statement from it. They accused the “civilian-military dictatorship of Tina Polwart” of being behind the judiciary’s ruling.

“This step is not only for Peru Libre, but for the decentralization of regional and local governments, it is a warning to do things as dictated here from Lima. This process will never progress if we do not respect the skills of resolution. […] Let us respond with strength and a spirit of mobilization Continue to work for Peru. Mr. Vladimir Cheron is still young, even if he serves that sentence, there is still one case, that is the Supreme Court, I hope there are more leaders, I hope there will be a better decision, we can say that. There was justice, but the political damage has already been done,” Cruz told the media.

Peru Libre press conference for the sentencing of Vladimir Ceron. Chanel N

Although he refrained from speaking about his whereabouts, Vladimir Ceron’s legal defense, Luis Mayhua, indicated that his client was in Lima. However, he refused to confirm whether he would surrender to justice, despite his assurances that he was neither a fugitive nor absconder.

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“I spoke to him on the phone and we agreed to meet in the next few hours to analyze the practical decisions we need to make, after which it will be communicated to the press. [¿Asegura que se va a entregar?] “Perhaps, the decision should be taken by Vladimir Cheron,” he noted.

Vladimir Cheron’s lawyer did not confirm whether his client would surrender. ATV Channel

During his campaign for regional government in June, Vladimir Cheron promised to build an international airport in the city of Huancayo. Although the work was rejected by a section of the population, the Ministry of Transport and Communications (MTC) and the Directorate General of Public Investment Policy (DGPI) of the Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEF), The. The politician insisted on its construction and signed an irregular agreement With Luis García Morón, legal representative of the Gran Aerodromo Vanca Federation.


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