Jackeline Salazar: Her Shocking Testimony on How She Was Kidnapped and Tortured Video | Carapailo | Commas | Monster | PNP | Police Latest | lime

Jackeline Salazar: Her Shocking Testimony on How She Was Kidnapped and Tortured Video |  Carapailo |  Commas |  Monster |  PNP |  Police  Latest |  lime

Jackie SalazarWoman kidnapped by gang of criminals for 11 days He recounted unpublished details of his abduction and subsequent captivity in a house in Carapaillo..

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“America Noticias” obtained the statement the owner of a gym in Comas gave to police after he was released. His testimony contains episodes of violence that certainly marked his life.. He recalled that a few days before the abduction, he had told his partner that there was a motorcycle near his house as if monitoring his movements.

Also, Jacqueline Salazar, on May 13, Intercepted by a minivan and a motorcycle in the Panamericana Norte near Los Olivos.He had already followed her since she left his compound.

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Three armed criminals dressed in police uniform got out of the vehicle.So she thought they wanted to steal her vehicle and opened the door without a problem, however, they forced her out and put her in another unit.

Once she was abducted, according to Jacqueline Salazar, they tied her hands and feet, laid her on the floor of the vehicle, and put a cloth over her mouth. During his bump, he hit his head so hard that it was hard to remember clearly what happened afterwards..

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The woman told police that Brian Yomona watched her and was in charge of recording videos that he sent to her family. 2 million soles to be paid during negotiations. He made cuts on his body to threaten his relatives.

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He slapped me in the face and hit my head… I was so scared, I felt stressed, scared, I was nervous, I wanted to cry, I cried, I had no tears”, he revealed.

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He put me in the bathroom and started cutting my finger, and with the first cut he said: ‘The blood didn’t come out, and I had to cut’… Then, He cut my forehead and scalp. I started taking photos and recording videos.” he added.

Then, on the day of his redemption, One of the thugs said he was going to hand her over to her family, but they tightened their grip.. A few minutes later, she heard the screams of the police, and she ran to the door of the building and opened it as best she could, her hands immobilized.


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