Javier Miele: Argentina’s ambassador points out which candidate won the vote in Peru.

Javier Miele: Argentina’s ambassador points out which candidate won the vote in Peru.

Only 13% of Argentines registered to vote in Peru went to the polls last Sunday. They ended up supporting Javier Miley.

Enrique Vaca-NarvajaArgentine Ambassador to Peru, Libertad Avanza candidate in our country this Monday, Javier Mileywon over other candidates in Sunday’s presidential election.

“Milei won here because projects that have the biggest impact on the media abroad win. The media educates people and the context makes you see the news differently when you’re not living in the country,” he commented. Program ‘It’s never too late RPP

The ambassador instructed his companions to vote Peru It is voluntary and they also need to be registered to do so. In that respect, only 13% of the votes went in Lima, he said.

“Abroad it’s voluntary, but you have to register. We have registered 6,600 people out of 25,000 people living in Peru at the embassy. Only 13% of those registered voted,” he said.

Vaca-Narvaja established it Miley will have a tough challenge in finding alliancesAfter his scathing criticism and accusations against the rest of the candidates that ended the runoff.

“The lion had to start looking for allies. And then the lion turned into a kitten, because when he finished his campaign he looked for Bullrich. It’s not too late to apologize, that’s the first factor, because he told Patricia Bullrich that he killed. A daycare children, that’s a very strong charge,” he said. He said.

On the other hand, he also pointed out that this is the first time that out of the five presidential candidates, three have the best chance of making it to the second round. Considering that he turned the election around and became the premier with an astonishing 36.6% of the vote, he exemplified what Massa had accomplished.

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Massa and Miley will run for president

Sergio Massa achieved 36.68%, while Javier Mille achieved 29.98%, according to figures from the National Electoral Directorate. Both will compete in the second round (second round) on November 19.

The country faces a serious socioeconomic environment with year-on-year inflation rising to 138.3% in September, a population poverty level of 40.1%, a reserve deficit and a transfer gap of more than 200%.

Millay advocates the use of a symbolic ‘chainsaw’ to shrink the structure of the state, dollarise the economy and privatize public enterprises; It also removes bureaucratic requirements to facilitate arms and organ donation.

Massa raises four thematic axes for his contribution: the New Democratic Deal, political sovereignty, economic freedom and social justice.

The objectives of a possible Sergio Massa government include restoring the purchasing power of salaries and pensions, guaranteeing and protecting existing rights and promoting new rights in today’s world of work.

As well as implementing a comprehensive policy of access to land, housing and decent habitat, strengthening public institutions and developing an environmental policy that adapts to and mitigates climate change.


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