Javier Milei leads: Why he wins runoff in Argentina with historic 11-point advantage over Sergio Massa | Elections 2023 | Alberto Fernandez | Treaty of Aksuzo | Maurizio Macri | Patricia Bullrich | the world

Javier Milei leads: Why he wins runoff in Argentina with historic 11-point advantage over Sergio Massa |  Elections 2023 |  Alberto Fernandez |  Treaty of Aksuzo |  Maurizio Macri |  Patricia Bullrich |  the world

Javier Miley Destroyed 21 of Argentina’s 24 provinces. In Sunday’s runoff, the Libertarian candidate won by more than 11 points over Peronist Sergio Massa, who is also the current Minister of Economy. Argentine newspaper La Nación described Miley’s move as the most extraordinary jump to power since the return to democracy 40 years ago.

Have an idea how extraordinary success is mercy, It is significant Freedom developmentsHis anti-establishment party did not exist until two years ago.

See: Miley’s key to success: “The clear message is that Argentine society is fed up and has decided to change”

Argentina It is mired in a deep economic crisis, with annual inflation exceeding double digits and poverty rates rising. It is in that context that the proposal for radical change is articulated mercy Caught among the citizens, they decided to return and punish PeronismHe has ruled the country for 26 and a half years since the return to democracy after the last military dictatorship (1976-1983).

Javier Mille celebrates with his girlfriend Fatima Flores after winning the second round of Argentina’s presidential election. (Photo by Emiliano LaSalvia/AFP).

Today begins the reconstruction of Argentina. The decadent model has come to an end. There is no turning back. Enough of poverty Complicated“Today we embrace freedom to become a world power again, from an omnipresent state that benefits only a few while hurting the majority of Argentines,” he said. Milli, 53 years oldSunday night, during his first speech since securing his landslide victory.

“The idea of ​​a predatory state distributed among politicians and their cronies ends today,” he continued.

“Today is a historic night, not because of us, but because one way of doing politics ends and another begins,” he asserted. mercy.

“Today we embrace once again the ideas of freedom, the ideas of our founding fathers,” he added.

Election results in Argentina. (AFP).

mercy Takes office on December 10th from Peronist Alberto Fernandezwho chose not to contest re-election.


On Sunday, it suffered the worst election defeat in its history.

Next, we explain the factors that were key to success mercy.

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Economist Javier Miley He is going to rule a country where annual inflation is as high as 142% and poverty is over 40%.

Inflation in Argentina. (AFP).

Argentina The millionaire will have to comply with the payments in the coming months International Monetary Fund (IMF) 45,000 million for the loan disbursed in 2018 during the President’s administration Maurizio Macri.

Poverty in Argentina. (AFP).

mercy He has already announced that he is going to sign a contract with FMI And? Willingness to make changes in public expenditure Above and beyond what the organization demands. This would lead to cuts in public service rates and millions of dollars in government subsidies for social programs, which would reach millions of Argentines.

In his opinion column in the newspaperJournalist Claudio Jacqueline He explained on Monday that it was more than 11 percentage points mercy A Massa expresses The anger of the social majority, the successive failures in recent years and the disastrous economic situation, and fear that a way of politics and governance is rewarded or perpetuated. “Rejection and fear are all the same or aggravate the needs of society,” he pointed out.

“Yesterday’s election is the result of the current crisis situation and the accumulated failures of more than a decade. A specific and determined bet towards the future of all its constituents. Known (and suffered) rejection prevailed over unknown or unknown horror. A complete transformation, without a network, that is mercy “He explained and embodied it better than any of his rivals in this very long election process,” he added. Jacqueline.

Javier Mille raises a fake $100 bill with his image on it as he wraps up his election campaign in Cordoba, Argentina on November 16, 2023. (Photo by DIEGO LIMA/AFP).

For his part, Argentina political analyst Rosendo Fraga He said what”Milei appears to be an alternative that is economically and socially even worse than the previous two possibilities (referring to the hyperinflation of 1989 with Raúl Alfonsín and the social implosion of 2001 when Fernando de la Rua fell).”

Therefore, in the environment in which the country lives, the choice Massa As a candidate Peronism This is particularly dangerous as he has been the Economy Minister for over a year from July 2022 and is responsible for the current crisis. Besides, In the campaign he was branded a minister of 142% inflation.

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This Monday, mercy He gave several interviews to the Argentine media It will take 18 to 24 months to contain inflation. Also, he announced that his first actions include: Privatization of public enterprises and deep reform of the state.

“We are going to start first with the reform of the state to monetize the public accounts very quickly,” he told Radio Miter.

Javier Mille swings a chainsaw between his sister Carina Mille and candidate for governor of Buenos Aires province Carolina Pibarro during a political rally in La Plata on September 12, 2023. (AFP).

An anti-establishment candidate

Javier Miley He has promised Dollarizer economy, Close the central bank End inflation and reduce public spending. Those are the axes of his campaign.

mercy defined his speech as libertarian and anarcho-capitalist And it promised “respect for private property and free trade, and a limited government strictly in compliance with its obligations.”

By his subsequent statements, “Complicated Parasitic and stupid politics [ladrona]”, mercy He convinced more than half of Argentina, a large proportion of them young voters.

“I am excited because the politicians’ work (fraud) is over, they are going to start using dollars and the country is going to move forward.”Nicholas Fernandez, a 19-year-old student, took part in a street celebration for the victory. mercy.

“He is the only politician who fulfills his promises, so to speak. He has already promised his salary and donated it, that is an example,” said the young man, who fulfilled the promise. mercy To distribute the salary he earns in Congress, where he will be Vice Chancellor from 2021, among his followers.

A street vendor offers toys representing Javier Millay as he wraps up his election campaign in Cordoba, Argentina, on November 16, 2023. (Photo by Diego Lima / AFP).

Will it carry forward? mercy All his promises, including the most serious? Javier Casabal, fixed income strategist at Adcap Grupo Financiero, told the AP, “If they move further towards moderation, it’s important to wait for their announcements to know at what pace we will de-peso the peso. The recovery plan can move forward. Dollarization.” One of the problems with implementation Dollarization Economists have warned that foreign exchange is in short supply in the country.

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Also, this should be taken into account In Congress, Miley’s party has only 38 of the 257 national representatives and 7 of the 72 senators.So he must seek alliances and strengthen existing ones with the centre-right.

Patricia Bullrich and Mauricio Macri from Together for Change supported Javier Mili. (JUAN MABROMATA/AFP).

Alliance with Bullrich and Macri

After the first round on October 22, Javier Mili received important support as one of the transition (centre-right), whose candidate, Patricia Bullrich, third place. Bulrich joined Maurizio Macriand captured the so-called three Accuso Treaty.

In First roundAstonishingly Massa was 7 points ahead of Miley.

He Peronist He got 9.6 million votes against 7.9 million mercy and 6.2 million Bullrich.

But in Second round, Miley turned everything around, he got 14.4 million (6.5 million more) and Massa 11.4 million (only 1.8 million more)..

Therefore, experts explain, the majority vote Bullrich They left without a problem mercy.

Claire’s newspaper explained its important role Macri In approval of votes mercy. When the former president decided to publicly stamp his support for the libertarian, he guaranteed that the combined vote for change would go his way.

The alliance also had a political cost Macri. The opposition coalition Argentina It currently holds 94 seats in the House of Representatives and 21 in the Senate, but not all of them will continue under the former president’s direction.

He Accuso Treaty Created the discomfort of radical civil union and civil alliance.

“At least 35 delegates can join with almost automatic accompaniment mercyBut that’s not enough, we have to negotiate with the extreme opposition faction, although in every debate these kinds of majorities will be recalculated,” Leandro Dominguez, director of political analysis at the Legislative Directorate Foundation, told EFE.


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