Karina Rivera is thrilled to be a grandmother after daughter Doris Fundicelli’s pregnancy announcement | Videos | With a swollen heart | Show Business | TRCM | programs

Karina Rivera is thrilled to be a grandmother after daughter Doris Fundicelli’s pregnancy announcement |  Videos |  With a swollen heart |  Show Business |  TRCM |  programs

Hopping on one leg. Children’s cheerleader Karina Rivera As her daughter Doris is expecting her first child, she revealed how she feels after learning she will become a grandmother.

Rivera shared a detailed message on her Instagram profile in which she said the baby was a “light” on the way amid the sadness they had to face after her mother’s death. She also publicly expressed her affection for her daughter’s boyfriend.

“I am happy with the news that my daughter is pregnant, I would like to express my infinite thanks through this photo to everyone who writes and calls me how I took it, etc. happiness”, reads in his text.

“Exactly a year after my mother separated, with a great emptiness at home, the arrival of a child was the most beautiful thing that could have happened to us. My dad will be a great grandpa! In the photo he shows how happy he is with the news, we love Jaimito so much, they will both be wonderful parents “, shrunk

And on his feelings he said: “And I’ll be the happiest grandma on the planet. I’m dying to have him in my arms soon! A thousand kisses and hugs to all of you my beautiful rats.”

Doris Fundicelli: Karina Rivera’s daughter moves users by revealing her pregnancy status

Agreement. Doris Fundichilli She announced a few days ago that she is expecting her first child at the age of 23. The news has left users reeling as she is the only daughter of the children’s entertainer Karina Rivera And actor Orlando Fundicelli. The young woman has already shown her advanced pregnancy.

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The young woman decided to share her pregnancy news in a very different way, using the audio Tula RodriguezHe announced his status on his then show several years ago.

“A few weeks ago I said, oops, problems, ‘my period didn’t come’ (…) I’m going to be a mother, I’m the happiest woman in the world”, This is Tula’s phrase used by Karina Rivera’s daughter.

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