Know the areas of power outages in Huancayo and El Tambo | Edition

Know the areas of power outages in Huancayo and El Tambo |  Edition

In order to guarantee the quality and continuity of service, Electrocentro will control the electricity supply in some sections of Huancayo and El Tambo, this Sunday, May 14, from 5:00 am to 8:00 am.

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Sectors: Urb. Corona del Fraile, Urb. El Remanso, Urb. La Floresta, Urb. Santa Lucía, Asunción de Palián National School, Wanka Sports Center, Santiago Antúnez de Mayolo Institute, Vilcacato Town, Barrio Progreso, Urb. , Alameda Universitaria, Urb. Las Colinas de San Antonio, Urb. Retamas de San Luis, Coop. Magistral Sol de los Andes, Nails Junction, Chamiceria City.

Balian Ave. (Blocks 01 to 11), Universitaria Ave. (01 to 03), San Carlos Ave. (29), San Luis Ave (01 to 04), M. Periodismo av. (12 to 20), Ave Calmel del Solar (11 to 20), Junior dos de Mayo (01 to 03), Huitaballana Streets (01 to 20), Las Cicuñas (01 to 03), Los Alamos (01 and 02), Los Condors (01 ), Pisces (01), One and Two (01), Los Alisos (01 to 03), Luis Zuniga (01 and 02), Wallflowers (01).

Los Girones San Martín (01 to 05), Miguel Grau (01 to 05), Manuel Vega (01 and 02), Sumac (MZ. C and D), Kishuar (MZ. B and C), El Sol (01 ), St. Louis (01). Cibres (01 and 02), A (01), Domingo Savio (01 to 03), Samel (01 and 02), San Alfonso (01), San Ignacio (01 and 02), San Roque (01 to 04), Sarita Colonia (02), Santa Sofia (01), San Ignacio (01), Nino (01), Nuevo (01 to 03), Sagittarius (01), La Merced (01), La Victoria (01 to 03), San Pablo (01 to 03), Arana (01 to 03), Aries (01), Nuevo (01 to 03), Jarumilla (01 and 02), Milagros (01 and 02), La Victoria (01 to 03 ), Gillivan (01 ), Paradise (01 and 02).

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Streets Astral (Volume 01), Comet (01), Estrella (01), Galaxy (01 and 02), Mars (01), Jupiter (01), Saturn (01), Urano (01 and 02), San Sebastian (01 to 05), Santa Cecilia (01 to 03), Las Margaritas (01 and 02), Santa Beatriz (01), Los Orcutas (01 and 02), Las Rosas (01), Los Girasols (01 and 02), Los Jardins (01 and 02), Los Quinuales (01 and 02), Los Chas (01 and 02), Neptuno (01 to 04), Santa Lucia (01 to 04).

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Santa Patricia (Volume 01), Narcisos (01), Santa Rosa (01 to 05), Don Bosco (01 to 09), San Isidro (01 and 02), Santa Marta (01 and 02), Sol de los Andes (01 to 03), Ricardo Palma (02), Alfonso Ugarte (01 and 02), Jose Olaya (01 to 04), La Union (01 to 04), Los Alamos (01 to 03), Los Lirios (01 and 02 ), Los Rosales (01 and 02).


In El Tambo district, there will be service restrictions on the connections of Cochas, Culpa Alta, Pietra Parada, Bacha and Cruz de la Paz.


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