‘Made in Spain’ technology brings us closer to (and sees) our elders.

‘Made in Spain’ technology brings us closer to (and sees) our elders.

In a few days millions of Spaniards will start enjoying their pies A well-deserved vacation And many families face this situation with a shock of mixed feelings.

On the one hand, there is a need to disconnect after one year, which is again serious and not exempt from uncertainties in the economic sector, and on the other hand, we are concerned that we can do so without neglecting responsibility. It is coming. Maintain contact with the elderly at that time of the family.

Fortunately, technology in this field has advanced greatly in recent years and there are many more Age-Technology Spanish with solutions Digital in the market can help bridge both aspects; Rest and care of our relatives.

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Geolocation, real-time tracking, cell phones that work virtually alone, or smart TVs that work like cell phones can help make video calls and communicate with the elderly in a much simpler way. Technical solutions Made in Spain Available in the market.

Bridging the digital divide for the elderly This is one of the major challenges of the new technological era. Devices that are cumbersome to handle or not suited to the needs of these older adults.

To encourage their social interactions with others of their generation or to easily communicate with other members of the family like any other person, Imadia has developed the company. Social TV platform.

Its main innovation consists of Activate on Classic TVA device closer to this demographic group and with a more generous screen size than tablets or mobiles, the same functions these devices offer.

An example of a video call from Classic TV with Social TV is from Imtia.

People have specific channels on social television Talk to your contacts via video conference and receive photos and videos Sent by friends and family as well as receive reminders and calendar notifications. On the other hand, family and friends can access the social service from any device, allowing them to stay in touch anytime, anywhere.

As explained Ivan Franco is responsible for the Social TV device“Success lies in the fact that user interaction is maximally simplified with a device equipped with a camera and microphone connected to the television via HDMI and simplified control for receiving, stopping and uploading calls. Low volume and channels. All simple and without complications”.

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Easy-to-use control of the Social TV platform, its device can be adapted to any television.

The platform offers channels where users can choose between making a video call, viewing a calendar, viewing photo and/or video albums, and -finally- enjoying a themed channel. Significant Getafe City Hall The Council has chosen this site to improve communication and interaction with its old neighbours.

“We can adapt this device to any type of television, not necessarily a smart TV, and we are already studying adding new functions to encourage interaction between users. These people’s therapists can communicate Very fluent with them”, Ivan Franco explains to D+I.

A mobile that works almost alone

Precisely, the mobile designed by the Maximiliana startup is designed for elderly people to talk to their relatives. without contact with the device.

“If they don’t want to they don’t have to do anything”, his proposal is based on delivering the full potential of the technology in a mobile as simple as being fully self-powered. He is responsible for the application. In this case the elderly person’s relative, One that completely controls it from an app on your own phone.

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can Add contacts to Maximiliana mobile phone The adult can call, he can see the battery, location and, of course, calls and video calls. “The senior only needs to talk to his family, and if he wants to, he can pick up the phone (it automatically turns on the screen) and touch the face of the person he wants to talk to,” explains CEO George Terroux. , CEO of Maximiliana.

is a startup Exploring a second product with no SIM card and more importantly, new technology that gives you national security The battery is over four years old, so they forget to charge it And they can always wear it on their bracelet to ask for help that they too are developing.

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George Terroux, CEO of Maximiliana, shows the application with his grandmother.

On the other hand, there are digital solutions that ensure the safety of these people Prevent falls and dangerous situations. IngeVital is one of them, a startup that broke out as a Spanish entrepreneur this year with a powerful proposal.

IngeVital sensors are designed to be installed in apartments or private homes and allow caregivers to anticipate falls or health problems in a non-invasive way. Risk level thanks to its prediction algorithm. They are installed as part of the furniture and do not need to be activated by the user.

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“Our A big advantage is that Impermeable structure“The user doesn’t have to do or bring anything for it to work and should notify their family member or caregiver of unusual behavior or health-related incidents,” says Laura Ibias, CEO of IngeVital.

IngeVital already has a marketable product for residential use and will focus on development this year New lines of business.

Light up when you wake up

“Currently we have established a pilot test in the residence La Vakuta of the Solera group in Pamplona This motivates us to integrate the solution with home automation,” declares Ibias.

One of the latest developments is designed so that when the resident wakes up, The room light turns on automatically, so the potential for disorientation and falls is greatly reduced. “This is the contribution of the center’s experts.”

Dukuvi’s artificial intelligence, through its virtual caregiver ‘Lola’, is capable of talking to thousands of patients over phone calls, monitoring their ailments and detecting potential alerts that can be sent to healthcare professionals in real-time.

to keep Direct communication for seniors with their doctorThere are also interesting propositions like Health pointer

Artificial intelligence the beginning Bringing natural language processing and speech technology to life Lola, the virtual caregiver It accompanies our elders all the time.

[Lola, el cuidador virtual que conecta 24 horas al día a los mayores con su médico]

Lola is talented, thanks to this artificial intelligence Talk to thousands of patients through phone calls, their pathology and follow-up Find potential alerts it sends in real time For healthcare professionals.

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startup, which was awarded andn el 4YFN Tel Mobile World Congress In the 2021 edition, it has since continued an upward trajectory and has been presented as one of the impact proposals in Spain. Health Y Age-Technology.

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Another apt name in our field of (digital) elderly care Durcal, a low-cost GPS backup app It protects the entire family and adapts to the care of our elderly, during times like the holidays.

Program under the leadership Guillem ViladomatOne of the creators of Albify, which has received more than a million downloads, first came to the market in the summer of 2021 and has not stopped increasing its development since then.

The Durcal app includes a GPS bracelet that not only allows real-time tracking of the elderly, but is also used by athletes and makes it easier to track children.

It is a device Integrated real-time GPS locatorCreated with a dual mission: to make telecare accessible to all people, wherever they live With an affordable price.

One of the main characteristics of the Durcal bracelet is its functional and minimalist design. Smart watch than current remote care devices.

Residential search engine

But, finally, if they are forced to seek one Shelter for the elderly During their vacations, the Spanish scene offers digital solutions that guide them through this maze, like searching for a hotel room.

Talking about MiResi, a platform that provides real-time Individually available in public and private centres. The most innovative thing about this technology is that it is capable of Identify whether the available beds are suitable for the resident’s needs.

For example, based on the roommate you have (rooms are for two people in most cases) you can filter if a man or a woman is in the bed.

sure, Diversity of technology ‘Made in Spain’ So during these next few days of vacation, physical distance should not prevent us from getting close to our elders, and most importantly, only if they deserve it.


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