Magaly Medina: “Football players like Paolo Guerrero and Jeferson Farfan believe they are untouchable and they love dirty journalists” | programs

Magaly Medina: “Football players like Paolo Guerrero and Jeferson Farfan believe they are untouchable and they love dirty journalists” |  programs

Magali Medina He attacked football players again, especially against the statistics of the Peruvian team Jefferson Farfan (now retired) and Paolo GuerreroBecause of his media conflicts with them. “They believe they are untouchable and they love dirty journalists.” expresses.

During the June 10 edition of his show, Magali He referred to footballers, who assumed they didn’t like criticism.

“Football players believe they are untouchable and we cannot criticize them. “They love dirty journalists.”He said.

“They’re used to a lot of journalists, slob sports critics, and they’ve had them there all their lives, and they’ve easily lived up to the hype.”he added Magali Medina.

Magali Madina, happiness Ugandan children parody

A popular Ugandan children’s group known as ‘Nanjana Kids Trust’, Popular TV presenter Magali Madina has once again grabbed attention on social media by parodying her.

Magali used a few minutes of her show that aired on Friday, June 7 to send a message to them. ‘Urraga’ expressed his surprise and gratitude for any parody of his controversial phrases or interviews.

“They make fun of my speeches, the way I talk, the things I talk about, and the truth is, it’s an honor. I answer them and thank them for taking that trouble.” He expressed with a smile Magali Medina.

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