Meta and IBM join 50 companies to promote the development of artificial intelligence | news

AI Alliance, an international group formed by Meta (parent company of Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp), IBM and more than 50 institutional members from companies, universities and research centers, was announced to advance the development of artificial intelligence. the world

Advances in these new technologies create new opportunities that can improve our daily lives. IBM And Meta confirmed that no matter what companies they work for, collaboration and support from a variety of professionals is essential.
The Official page of AI Alliance Reveals that the international network is looking for Develop and support open technologies through software, models, and tools. Additionally, it allows developers and scientists to understand, experiment, and adapt these technologies. Finally, it recommends inviting various organizations and community leaders to join the conversation and help the coalition grow and achieve its mission.

Thanks to the large number of collaborators, the alliance has more funds for research and development (R&D). 80 billion dollars And has more than 1,000,000 employees worldwide. Also, by having major universities among its collaborators, the research of more than 400 thousand students is supported by this alliance.

In addition to seeking new and innovative applications for artificial intelligence, the AI ​​Alliance seeks to initiate or develop projects with the following objectives:

1. Develop and implement evaluation guidelines and standards, tools and resources that enable the development and responsible use of AI systems globally.

2. Responsibly operate an ecosystem of open functional models with diverse methodologies, including multilingual, multimodal, and scientific models.

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3. Foster a dynamic ecosystem of AI hardware accelerators by driving contributions and adoption of essential technology to drive software.

4. Support the development of AI capabilities and exploratory research globally.

5. Develop educational content and resources to inform the public and policy makers about the benefits, risks, solutions and precise regulation of AI.

6. Launch initiatives to promote open AI development in safe and effective ways, and organize events to explore AI use cases and show how Alliance members are using open AI technology responsibly and positively.

The AI ​​Alliance will begin its work by forming member-driven groups in all the key thematic areas mentioned above. It will also establish a Board of Directors and a Technical Oversight Committee.

Alliance companies include AMD, Sony, Intel, RedHat etc. At this time, there are no companies or institutions from Latin America or Peru.

Published: 12/11/2023

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