Mother’s Day: Pregnancy Survey Now More Accurate and Intuitive Thanks to Artificial Intelligence | Spain | Mexico | USA | 2D to 7D Ultrasound | Technology

Mother’s Day: Pregnancy Survey Now More Accurate and Intuitive Thanks to Artificial Intelligence |  Spain |  Mexico |  USA |  2D to 7D Ultrasound |  Technology

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Los Smart algorithms Modern ultrasound scans already have them, increasing the size Prenatal diagnosis A feature that creates peace of mind and happiness for expectant mothers, with faster, more intuitive and accurate results.

The leap is huge. are noble 2D black and white ultrasound (It first appeared in 1959), we evolved 3D color technology and 4D, with which we obtained enhanced images but with the baby’s movements in real time. Then, andl 2017 5D/6D ultrasound appeared, It added shadow and depth effects and HD resolution.

Ultrasound marks a special moment for the mother. The reactions they get when they see their child on screen are indescribable. (Photo: Miraflores Clinic)

Hi, Ultrasound has entered a new phase with revolutionary 7D technology, much faster, clearer and more accurate. It’s almost like having a high-end camera in your mother’s womb. “Pregnancy examination is now carried out in full HD and thanks to artificial intelligence”Says Dr. Rafael Asenzo Aparicio, a fetal ultrasound specialist at the Miraflores clinic and a pioneer in the use of this technology in Peru.

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Recently on Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, The World Health Organization (WHO) states that this technology “It offers great opportunities to improve the health of millions of people around the world.”Especially regarding the accuracy of diagnosis and diagnosis.

Using sophisticated AI algorithms, machines can help explain things to us X-ray, MRI, CT scan and other medical imaging data very quickly and accurately. A It was recently demonstrated that the use of intelligent data analysis systems can increase the productivity of vibration by up to 30%.

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(Photo: Miraflores Clinic)

(Photo: Miraflores Clinic)

The same thing happens with ultrasound. Dr. Rafael Asenzo explains it this way: “Modern equipment is now very intuitive to acquire data. For example, when studying an area like a child’s head, the AI has already advanced from 7D technology and is taking accurate measurements of the area. It is an incredible technology that serves as a great complement to the work of doctors. The idea is to leverage this new group of tools to improve outcomes for mother and baby along the way.”Collaboration.

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One of the most recognized aspects of the evolution with ultrasound is image quality. Today we will see if we contrast the resolution of a 3D ultrasound with modern equipment The difference is huge. There is no point in comparing.

(Photo: Miraflores Clinic)

(Photo: Miraflores Clinic)

There is a secret to this leap of definition: the transducer. As known, A transducer or probe is a small device that the doctor moves over the mother’s uterus to obtain images. Without the transducer, ultrasound transmission is impossible.

Each transformer is made up of rows of crystals. The higher the number of crystals, the higher the image detail. “Moderns equipment 7d They have a transformer with 8,000 crystals. For this reason, it is 16 times faster than the 4D ultrasound machine, which the 980 does not have. In addition, it Capable of capturing over a thousand images per secondGives amazing sharpness”Rafael Asenzo says.

(Photo: Miraflores Clinic)

(Photo: Miraflores Clinic)

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Seeing the baby in such detail creates a series of emotions for future mothers. This first encounter is said to mark the beginning of many changes in the maternal psyche. At the biochemical level, more complex changes occur. When a woman first recognizes her baby, her body produces large amounts of oxytocin, the hormone that makes us feel loving, compassionate, and kind. This chemistry makes these types of studies even more special.

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“Ultrasound represents a very special moment for mothers. The first meeting with that long-awaited little boy. The reactions of women when they see their baby on the screen are indescribable. Many cry with joy. Others do not stop laughing. Their faces have a unique glow. Now, With new technologies, that encounter is more special. Picture quality is what we can sees babies yawn, giggle and stick out their tongues”, Gynecology and obstetrics specialist Rosario Villarán explains.

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This has also benefited greatly Fetal health monitoring, the central purpose of ultrasound examinations. Capturing images is particularly fast in organs such as the heart and fetus. We can see the baby’s blood vessels in detail, no matter how small they are.

(Photo: Miraflores Clinic)

(Photo: Miraflores Clinic)

“New equipment includes software such as volumetric HD color Doppler (radiant flow), which can detect various anomalies early, while the doctor guides successive layers at high speed and in different planes of the fetal anatomy. Likewise, it can diagnose congenital heart disease early by detecting oxygen and nutrient deficiency.Dr Rafael Asenzo says.

Dr. Rafael Asenzo is one of the pioneers in the use of 7D technology in Peru.  (Photo: Miraflores Clinic)

Dr. Rafael Asenzo is one of the pioneers in the use of 7D technology in Peru. (Photo: Miraflores Clinic)

It should be noted that 7D technology Allows you to instantly send pictures and videos to the mother’s phone. Since the device can be synced with a smartphone, the transfer is instantaneous. In fact, by the time the ultrasound is done, mom is already living with the images instantly. “Ultrasounds during pregnancy have a very important emotional component for the couple. It’s wonderful to have them on your phone and be able to see them as many times as you want. In addition, it can be shared with family and friends on social networks. This is something revolutionaryThe expert concludes.

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