NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope discovers the Jellyfish galaxy wandering through space

NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope discovers the Jellyfish galaxy wandering through space

The ultimate fate of these types of galaxies is the loss of one of their best qualities.

An image of the galaxy JW39 has been published on the NASA website.

The Solar System, a small corner of the universe we live in, is located within a spiral region known as the Milky Way. It is the most common type of galaxy in the known universe, although elliptical, lenticular, and irregular galaxies also exist. A recent Register on the NASA websiteIn this case, announcing a meeting Jellyfish constellationThere is a certain type and one of it Interesting story behind.

A drifting galaxy as seen by the Hubble Space Telescope

Although the James Webb Telescope seems to have more of a role in recent times, its elder brother Hubble still shows us the unknown universe that no one can see. According to NASA, it was Hubble WHO Jellyfish Galaxy JW39 could be seen. For two years, the telescope has been looking at this galaxy 900 million light years In the constellation Capello di Berenice.

As usual in these types of cosmic snapshots, it presents us with an impressive picture Escape from galaxy JW39 by one Constellation It is immersed in it. In this case, unlike what happens in an independent galaxy like the Milky Way, these types of galaxies Withstand the gravitational pull of other massive galaxiescausing them to change shapes.

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Not only that. Except for going changes its shapeAnd because of the plasma between galaxies, galaxies must fight like fish swimming against the current. Moving in a hostile environment Let them go loses gas Gravity and plasma affect them.

In cosmology, a term applied to the processes described above ‘Pulling pressure’ And that’s what happens Making changes At the ends of the constellations, like jellyfish tentacles, and JW39 takes its name from the sea animal. To observe this galaxy, space telescope Hubble has used Wide angle camera 3found that star formation in JW39’s tentacles is not very different from star formation in the galaxy’s disk.

As we expected at the beginning of the article, The The ultimate goal Galaxies of this type tend to lose their gas. It prevents the formation of new stars Inside.

NASA's Hubble Space Telescope discovers the Jellyfish galaxy wandering through spaceNASA

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