National Economic Council | morning

National Economic Council |  morning

Yesterday was a historic day when the foundation was laid for what a true national agreement means. A meeting between members of One Uruguay (USU), which unites the manufacturing sector, and the Cabildo Abierto – until now the only political party to respond to the document presented to Parliament by the movement entitled “A Homeland for All”. ”- this represents not only a way forward but also a change in the way politics is done in this country. Not from competition, but from consensus. Additionally, USU expressed its position in support of an open town hall initiative to collect signatures for “Fair Debt.” Made in Uruguay.

In that parliamentary session in mid-July, the USU proposed a “reasonable diagnosis” in several areas of the national reality, particularly in the productive, economic and financial aspects. As such, the motion calls for a grand national convention involving all political parties.

Cabildo Abierto’s response exposed the main aspects in which this political force agrees with the USU, for example, the possible “non-tariff barriers” and the problem that international taxes linked to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions could create in Uruguay. Greenhouse, which directly affects livestock production and exports of natural foods. He also mentioned the issue of energy where our country needs to shape the national strategy according to our interests and it will not be affected by the latest wave of EU Green Deal. In addition, mention was made of the importance of fiscal balance and the creation of new dialogues and negotiations such as the National Economic Council.

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In this regard, Senator Guido Manini Ríos expressed: “The great task of the political system is to raise the lights and look away. Last year we proposed in a round by all politicians to set up a dialogue table to discuss major national issues and we were silent in response. We have once proposed to establish, as our document stated, the National Economic Council as provided for in the 34th year of the Constitution of the Republic. The answer is silence. It is time to end this silence. It’s time to get serious about things. The future of the country is in question. That is the spirit that animates us, and in that spirit we are in full harmony with what An Solo Uruguay proposes today.

Since this medium was reborn in 2019 in the hands of Hugo Manini Rios, it should be remembered that the idea of ​​convening the National Economic Council has been in countless editorials, as already explained on other occasions, and not only that. An idea already presented in our legal system, but there are also some precedents to take into account.

Chief among them was the National Programmatic Concertation (CONAPRO), which ran between September 1984 and February 1985. It is composed of representatives of the main political parties (Colorado Party, National Party, Frente Amplio and Union Civica), representatives of social organizations. ., organizations linked to trade unions and rural activities aimed not only at coordinating the transition process towards democracy but also at achieving economic and social agreements aimed at finding structural solutions to the 1982 crisis. Also, cooperative members and human rights defenders, scientific and cultural representatives, women’s organizations and others participated.

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Another example is the Concert for Development held in 2002, one of the largest mobilizations in the country’s history, in which about 100,000 people marched to the obelisk, to hear a declaration prepared by representatives of agricultural unions, medium and small groups in the agreement. Businesses and unions are demanding changes in the economic model.

Therefore, we consider from this medium that what happened yesterday was the first milestone to determine a change in the way politics is done, with certain objectives that transcended political parties and governments in power.

In short, the response of Guido Manini Ríos, president of the Cabildo Abierto, shows not only a deep sensitivity to the structural and human problems of this country, but also the characteristics of a true politician, in which agreements prioritize differences.

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