Neither flat, nor round, nor oval: this is the true shape of the earth

Neither flat, nor round, nor oval: this is the true shape of the earth

Flat Earthers have tried to convince us that the planet is flat. Although it is not true, the shape of the earth is not a sphere.

Although it may seem surprising, We have known for centuries that our planet is not flat. The classical calculations of Pythagoras predated 500 BC and were succeeded by Aristotle. The actual shape of the Earth has been under study since ancient Greece But were Pythagoras and Aristotle right? The short answer is yes, for the resources they had in their time. The long answer is more complicated and, on a larger scale, It continues deeply to this day.

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What is the truth?

It is true that the flat earth theory can be completely disproved. It is not really correct to say that the planet is round. As described above, The shape of the earth is flat at the poles, This means that the Ecuadorian region is becoming more and more dense.

This oval sphere A more accurate description. As a pizza dough rotates, the centrifugal force resulting from the Earth's rotation causes the dough to pile up between its two hemispheres. however, Because satellite photographs are so fragmentary, they do not allow us to appreciate this degradationBecause we can only see a small part of our planet.

Even so, this is not the best interpretation ever made.

The shape of the earth is always changing

Being a mostly liquid planet, its shape is difficult to discern. Also, its valleys and hills make a regular surface impossible. As stated therein National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, The shape of the earth is always changing.

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Model depicting a pear-shaped Earth, shifted by gravity / European Space Agency

Tides Influenced by the Moon (and According to New Studies of Mars) They do not have a definite shape to our earth. Like tides, the crust beneath our feet is affected by sudden tectonic movements that change the structure of our planet. Events like Volcanic eruptions and meteorite collisions They can also affect the star we live in.

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