Part of Av Faucett will be closed | Detour plan from May 15 | Callao | Line 2 | Lima Tunnel | Peru

Part of Av Faucett will be closed |  Detour plan from May 15 |  Callao |  Line 2 |  Lima Tunnel |  Peru

National Provias And this Provincial Municipality of Callao Approved a new detour plan to control traffic on Elmer Fawcett Avenue.

Néstor Gambetta avenue to Canada avenue will be closed from Monday, May 15. The reason is the works on the branch of Line 4 of the Lima and Callo Metro, which will join Line 2, which is already under construction.

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Keeping this in mind, the concessionaire submitted an alternative plan for transportation. Omar Reboldo, the transport manager of the provincial municipality of Gallo, assured that the Ministry of Transport and Communications (MTC) maintains a 3-year duration of the work, but it may take a little longer.

What is the turnoff at Fawcett Avenue?

This is a vehicle replacement project on Fawcett Avenue to serve Line 2 of the Lima and Gallo Metro.

Diversion for public transport, local and private freight

  • I walk to Av. Kalaw sings: Vehicles found on Av. Faucett, from av. Nestor Gambetta to Av. Canada will circulate through secondary roads. It is important to note that major road lanes will be closed.
  • Route to Nestor Gambetta: Drivers can take the secondary routes of AV. Faucett to av. Nestor Gambetta.

Detour for private transport vehicles

  • Route to Nestor Gambetta: Only private transport vehicles coming through access to Av. Canta Callao can turn right. Follow the road to 2nd Street until you turn left to enter Pucará Street, Canada, then 3rd Street. At the end you will come to av’s companion. Nestor Gambetta.
  • Route to Nestor Gambetta: If it comes through AV. Elmer Fawcett, you follow the side road and turn right onto Cusco Av. can turn to, then turn left to enter Pucará Street, then continue on 2nd Street, followed by 3rd Street and finally sub from Av. Nestor Gambetta.
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Remember that traffic agents will be at different points along the detour to give directions to drivers. Also, the officials requested that the scheme should be implemented, especially during rush hours.

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